A Surprise Package (Edited)

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Mr Allegro nodded grimly at the reaction of the class.

I stared at the picture. This is what we would have to fight one day?

On the board was a skeleton. It's eyes were blood red with a swirling brown centre. It had no nose, but it's mouth was a row of slowly revolving teeth - it reminded me of the lamprey a trader from the distant lands had once brought to the village.. The teeth were shaped like a W and had multiple rows. The Soulstealer had no skin and wore a hood.

Mr Allegro looked around the classroom. "It's front teeth are used to grab the victim's mouth, whilst the other teeth behind suck out the soul. The more souls they suck out, the stronger they get and their body will grow, bone by bone. They can only be destroyed if they are stabbed in the mouth, but you cannot be too close or your soul will be sucked too. You will never recover"

The bell rang and everyone fled, clutching their books to their chests.

"Amy, stay behind"

I cautiously approached the desk.

"You came from the village Cackaton didn't you?"

"Yes sir"

"A parcel has arrived,".

I blinked. I was so confused. Who would send a present to me? I had no friends in my village and my sister would never bother to send to me a gift.

"Anyway here you go,".

I took the parcel, noting the light weight and the small size - it fitted in my hand snugly and nodded.

"Thank you sir'

I carried the parcel and went to lunch. My Anchemi were picking at their food as I grabbed some lunch (teriyaki salmon) and joined them. Adam's eyes lit up when he saw me and he slid over to give some room for me to sit down. I sat down next to him, nodding my thanks and he looked at the parcel.

"What's that?"

I smiled. "Honestly I have no idea. Mr Allegro told me it was from my village, but I have no idea who sent it,".

Adam laughed. "It could have been your betrothed?"

"I wasn't betrothed yet,". I reminded him. "It would have been arranged next month, but as I'm never returning to the village, it doesn't matter now,".

A ripple of laughter went around our table as Barney finished his joke.

Suddenly a voice boomed out. "Amy, you are here,".

I looked up to see Electro coming over. All my team glared at him and Adam took my hand. I looked at him in surprise before turning back to Electro.

"Hello Electro" I replied impassively.

"I saved you guys a seat but our team chose to sit over here. Not very good comradeship here, right Amy!"

I was suddenly really angry. How dare he insult my team! I stood up and stared at him.

"Let's get this straight. You are our new member and should act like such. You should not insult any member of this team and lastly, you address me by my proper title until and only until you have earned my respect. Do you understand?"

Electro smirked. "Yes, team leader". He inclined his head.

"Team, I'm going up to our dorms. You coming?"

The rest of my team got up and followed me out, our new member trailing behind. Electro brushed past Stephen to walk beside me and I groaned inwardly.

"So, Team Leader. What is in the package?"

"Nothing that concerns you"

With that I dropped back to talk to Cherry. When we reached our corridor Electro hung back and I looked at him quizzically.

"I don't know where the room is"

"Who moved your stuff then?"

"I officially move in tonight"

Adam smirked. "See you later then"


Together we walked to our room and collapsed on the sofas.

I ripped open the packaging and out tumbled a green necklace, with a dragon carved into it and a gold chain. A note drifted out:


Father left this to you when he died. Mum tried to destroy it, but I rescued it - I thought you should have it. Good luck at the Academy - and don't feel the need to ever return. Life is better without you.

Try not to reply,


"Oh" I commented softly, rolling the necklace in my palm.

"Macy?" Barney asked.

I smiled slightly and started to explain. "Macy is my sister. But you wouldn't believe it - we were at each other's throats all the time. My father was killed when I was younger, and my mother favoured Macy over me. I was the unwanted child,".

Cherry craned her neck to look at the necklace and I handed it to her.

"I didn't realise we could have packages,". Adam smiled at the prospect.

I nodded. "Neither,".

Stephen sighed as he checked the time "Okay, we need to go to lessons. It's elemental study, right?".

Cherry clasped my new necklace around my neck, where it hung just above my heart. Then, we traipsed down the multitude of stairs, Electro joining us in the main hall.

He smiled. "Just wait until you guys discover what I can do. Then you will have to accept me"

We laughed.

Barney looked up. "That's going to be quite hard. We have a plasma dragon on our team"

Electro's smile faded when he looked ahead. Our dragons were waiting for us and in the centre of them was Electra, her scales shining in the light. I nudged Adam and Cherry.

"Race you!"

And with that we all ran across to our dragons.

Do you guys have any pets? If so, what do you have?

We are up to 688 reads! Hopefully we can make it a thousand before Christmas!


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