Chapter 9

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I nervously fidget while we sit here in Dr. Harry's clinic inside the hospital. The antiseptic invading my senses bringing my heart to a full speed beating. Ji ni held my hand to stop it from fidgeting too much, she can sense that I am freaking out inside my head.

"You're doing this for your health Hyun mi," she reminded me.

If my mother is still alive, she would say those exact same words to me. Oh mom, what am I going to do?

Dr. Harry drew out a long sigh after studying the result of the MRI that we just gave him.

"Hyun mi, you have an Optic Nerve Glioma. A type of brain cancer that normally occurs on children but can occur in adults too. Normally, this type of cancer is curable if diagnosed earlier but in your case, you're already in grade 3,"

My heart that was beating so loud just stopped.

I have a what?

"You've mentioned earlier that you had poor eyesight ever since you were a kid. Your parents must've looked pass the possibility of cancer since you were still a child. It is growing in a slow pace Hyun mi. It has been triggered with pent up frustration, sadness or extreme emotions. These can cause further damages since the tumor is pressing on your brain," he started pointing it at an anatomical brain figure.

The tumor is somewhere between my eyes inside my skull. It is where I feel the pain most.

Ji ni started squeezing my hand. I just stared at Dr. Harry and watch his lips move.

"Can't we do anything about it?" Ji ni asked The doctor.

"We can still do something about it but we're not a hundred percent sure of the survival. We diagnosed your cancer really late. I advice you stop getting your lazer treatment for now to avoid further complications,"

"Anything else?" Ji ni starts to panic, I can feel it but my body won't respond.

Dr. Harry pushed his glasses up his nose bridge and clasped his hands over the table.

"If the patient's willing to try, she can undergo surgery. We can remove the tumor inside her brain and then after her recovery, she can undergo chemo theraphy to kill the cancer cells that has already spread through out her body," he offered politely but I can sense that it's impossible to just cure it that easily.

Ji ni looked at me and I cam see her eyes already brimming.

"Uh, Hyun mi is not ready for this news. Can you atleast prescribe something to help her with her head aches? What can she do to avoid further complications besides the lazer treatments?" Ji ni is the one asking now, my brain isn't still responding.

"I advice her to take some rest from the industry and relax. I'm sure your management would understand. Avoid stress as much as possible, too much fatigue would trigger your body which leads you to those fainting you have been experiencing, eat healthy, no smoking amd drinking for the mean time. I suggest you surround yourself with the people you love," he said while he's writing the prescription for my head aches.

"I'm also going to prescribe vitamins and sleeping pills incase you become restless. Only if you find it hard to sleep, don't take any sleeping pills if you can still manage to sleep without it,"


"Hyun mi, where do you wanna go?" Ji ni said once we entered her car.

"Home," I absent mindedly answered her.

I have a brain cancer.

I have a brain cancer.

I have a brain cancer.

"Hyun mi," Ji ni called solftly.

My head slowly turned to her direction.

"What home are you referring to?" she asked.

"I wanna go home to Busan with my brother," I monotunously said.

Ji ni started to fumble with her phone and called Jungkook. I turned off my phone once we got out of the hospital. I don't want any other things to think of today. This is too much.

Dr. Harry's words are still echoing on my mind. What now? What am I suppose to do now? My mind is all over the place when Ji ni started her car. We meet Jungkook at my old flat, he's still clueless when he carried our bags down the buidling again to his own car.

We all went our separate ways, Ji ni still has some filming to do. Soft music is playing through his stereos, my gaze fixated on the road. Jungkook kept looking at me which I ignored. Not long when I drifted into a restless sleep.


"Hyun mi, we're here," he patted my shoulders.

I woke up a bit disoriented and found his eyes looking at me. We both entered the house and I went straight to the sofa and laid. I tried to close my eyes but I know that the haunting thought won't go away so I just kept it open.

My brother entered the door and closed it behind him. I watch him set down our bags to the side and took off his shoes. He's walking towards me now and sat down on the sofa where my feet are dangling.

"Why did you wanna go home here Hyun mi?" he asked in a quiet voice.

I sit up and looked at him with a blank face.

"Is something wrong? Is it Jimin hyung? Taehyung?" he asked.

I shake my head no and now I'm starting to feel my heart race again.

"I-I have," the words couldn't seem to come out. I'm starting to choke on my tears.

The distance between me and my brother seems to be getting farther and farther. I feel like he's slipping away from me. He waited patiently for my answer and scooted closer to where I am.

"I have a.... I have a stage 3 b-brain cancer," the last word came out as a whisper.

Jungkook's eyes widen in surprise. His lips set on a straight line. He seems to regain his composure when he pulled me in for a tight hug. And when I felt his familiar hug, the gateway of my tears opened wide and my tears started to fall relentlessly. I know I shouldn't be crying this hard right now but I can't make it stop.

My body is trembeling, my breathing becomes ragged. Everything that happened today seems to weigh on my shoulders now, even heavier. Jungkook started crying too and the sound of him crying is even more painful. He pulled out from the hug and wiped my tears.

"Ani," he sniffed. "You'll be fine Hyun mi, you'll have surgery and then you'll recover. And then you'll be fine again," the words are spilling out from his mouth as if he's not reassurring me but himself.

I shake my head no to what he's saying.

"I don't know if I can do this oppa, I don't know if I wanted surgical intervention," I confessed. Infact, I am dreading it so bad.

"No, no." he shifted his whole body making him face me better. "You'll be fine Hyun mi, you'll get through this. I know you're strong. Don't just give up, you still have me, Jimin, PTE, Bangtan. You have us, don't leave me behund Hyun mi,"

To be continued.....


This chapter is long, I had to do research on the brain cancer situation. I don't want to spatter things I am not sure about.

 I don't want to spatter things I am not sure about

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- Haeun ❤

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