Open Your Eyes

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Klea's POV

So, I woke up late for the first day of twelfth grade

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So, I woke up late for the first day of twelfth grade. Of course. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to care, but I'll go with no since I was probably going to zone out during that period anyway. If you think about it, it's actually more efficient for me to spend those extra minutes sleeping. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad student. I'm just not a particularly "attentive" one. Last year's classes were enough to put me in a permanent sleep induced coma anyway. I'm surprised I even woke up at all.

I'm too lazy to change the annoying ringtone that I set for my alarm in ninth grade, so now I just throw my phone at the wall everyday... In my head. In reality, I'm too lazy to do that either so I just automatically press the snooze button while I'm half asleep.

I would tell you my routine after I dragged myself across my bedroom with the tiny bit of spirit I had left, but it's extremely boring and I'm sure you've heard it a 'gazillion' times, so let's just skip that part. WAIT! Let me explain why my hair looked particularly awful that day. So basically, I made the "fantastic" decision not to wash it since I was late. You may be thinking WeLl ThaTs NoT evEn thAt BaD, but wait! Firstly, I hadn't washed it in a while and most importantly, I had bumped into a counter the previous day and spilled coffee on it. Yeah, yeah, I'm very clumsy, we don't need to get into the details. At least I politely apologized to the counter, we don't need to get into that either.

Anyway, as I was saying, my hair was a mess. It felt like I had a carpet on my head, and not a nice, fancy one. It was like one of those worn out brown carpets that no one wants to step on cause' the texture is so rough. So yeah, my day was off to a great start.

I heard that people plan their outfits for the first day of school, but I find that if I plan mine in advance, it never looks as good as it did in my head and I end up changing anyway. Besides, I was way beyond the point of actually caring, so it would be pretty pointless. I think this is the part where I'm supposed to tell you that I examined myself in the mirror and felt sorry for myself for being a hideous troll, or something along those lines. But honestly, I didn't even bother to check the mirror. Ignorance is a bliss, am I right? *Cough* Anyway, I just grabbed my bag and left my empty house. Everyone had gone to work, by the way, I don't live on my own. Pfft, I'm far too needy for that.

Now onto the fun part. Public transport! Public transport is always an interesting experience. You encounter all kinds of strange people you never knew existed. Now usually, I would just make my way to the back of the bus and put on my earphones to drown out the rest of the world and get lost in my own thoughts. Well, that didn't turn out exactly as I had planned. Remember how I said I was clumsy? Well, I'm also absent minded. Clumsiness combined with absent mindedness practically equates to embarrassment and social suicide. So, I was casually strolling down the bus aisle when, wait for it... I tripped and grabbed onto the nearest pole. It wasn't too bad, except that I accidentally hit someone with my bag. To be fair, it wasn't completely my fault. This guy had his leg splayed out right in the middle of the aisle. Okay, maybe I should have seen it, but still, it's not a hundred percent my fault. I think. He was very apologetic, so I kind of feel bad for blaming him. After that, I was too embarrassed to continue walking down the aisle so I just sat down in the nearest seat, which was directly behind that guy who continued to stretch his leg across the aisle.

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