Chapter 9

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"Great." Alex said, grinning at her. He was obviously excited about the cover and couldn't wait to show her. "I'll see you at school then." He stood and waved goodbye before heading out.

Skylar couldn't help but laugh softly. "Thanks for the visit." Finishing off the blueberry pie, she grabbed her tea and left. The streets were fairly empty and only the occasional car drove by. A nice warm breeze ruffled her hair just the right way, coaxing the goosebumps off of her arms. She got cold really easily. Slipping her phone out of her purse, she plugged her earphones in and slipped one of the buds into her right ear. Turning the music on high, she smiled and hummed along to the song as she walked along the mainly empty street.

Coming to a dirt path, she turned onto it and saw Alex walking with a little girl. The little girl had dark straight hair like him and only looked about five or seven years old. Watching them, she smiled as she glanced down at their hands. The little girl was holding three of Alex's fingers in her tiny hand, swaying their arms back and forth as she went on about her day went. As Alex turned his head to look at her, his lips were pulled up into a heart melting grin and it was obviously this little girl had him wrapped around all of her little tiny fingers. 

A warm smile broke across Skylar's own face as she listened to the girl too. Suddenly, Alex turned to pick her up and balance her on his hip before catching Skylar's gaze on them. Whispering something into the little girl's ear with a smile, he glanced over at Skylar and the girl looked at her. Waving and smiling at Sky, the girl got Alex to bring her to Sky. 

"Following us much?" Alex asked, raising an eyebrow playfully at Skylar and the little girl giggled. 

"I was actually heading to the park." Skylar pointed to the park behind the fence lining the path and smiled at both of them before looking at the girl. "Would you like to come swing with me?" 

The girl nodded enthusiastically and looked at Alex for his answer. 

"Sure." Alex answered, shrugging and setting the girl onto the ground. "Why don't you run ahead Grace?" The little girl eagerly ran through a small break in the fence, darting towards the swings. 

Sky smiled and glanced at Alex. "Cute kid." 

"Yeah. She is." Alex grinned and slipped through the gap in the fence before helping Skylar through. 

"What is she to you?" She asked curiously, watching the small frown form on his lips. 

"She's my sister. She's only 5. I just picked her up from a sleepover at her friends house." Alex explained slowly, resting his hand on the small of her back as they walked towards the swings. Skylar still didn't understand why he was frowning. Why would he be upset about having a sister? 

Before she could ask the question, they had made it to the swings and Grace had easily talked Alex into pushing her on the swings.

An hour later, the sun was starting to set and Grace was curled up on the ground with Alex's jacket wrapped around her. Skylar still sat on one of the swings, Alex gently pushing her in silence. She rested her head against one of the chains, not that it did much to hold her head up, and she yawned softly. Alex chuckled deeply and the swing stopped moving. He picked her up and laid her down on the grass, a couple meters away from Grace. Laying on his side beside her, he smiled a bit. 

"Maybe you should go home Princess, you sure look tired." He teased, grinning a bit. 

"Shut up." She mumbled, smiling a bit too as she pushed him so he was laying on his back and snuggled into his side. Shivering slightly, his arms wrapped around her and she let his body warm her own. 

"Yes Dear." He chuckled a bit and Skylar closed her eyes, sighing softly.  

"I don't want to go home just yet." She murmured sleepily. 

"I know Sky. Just relax and rest for a bit. If you fall asleep, I'll take you home." Alex whispered, absentmindedly stroking her hair. His words calmed her, causing her to relax and let herself doze off because she knew he would stay true to his word. 

Alex's P.O.V.

He could hear her breathing slowing down as she fell asleep. Carefully, he moved away from her and stood up. Looking at both of the girls, he sighed. He couldn't carry both of them at once. 

Slowly unzipping Skylar's purse, he pulled out her phone and scrolled through her emergency contacts. It didn't take long to find Kaitlyn's number and he dialed it. 

"Skylar?" A voice on the other end of the phone asked. 

"Skylar's perfectly okay. It's Alex. We were hanging out together and she fell asleep. Can you come and pick her up? I have to take my sister home and I can't carry both of them. We're at the park." Alex explained, mentioning a few building close by, glancing up at the darkening sky. 

Kaitlyn's voice was questioning and full of uncertainty. "Oh? Yeah, sure. I'll be there in a few." 

"Thanks." Alex hung up and slipped her phone back into her purse, closing it. It wasn't long before Kaitlyn showed up and she walked over, a nervous smile on her face. Alex picked up Skylar and they didn't talk as Kaitlyn showed him to his car. Sitting Skylar down on the seat, he buckled her seat-belt and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before closing the door. "I know it's late. I'm sorry if I woke you. I just knew it would be best if I called you."

Kaitlyn nodded and moved to her side of the car, waving goodbye. "Thanks. I'm glad you did." She got in and drove away. Alex sighed and went back to Grace, picking her up and heading home himself, with thoughts of Skylar on his mind. 

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