[Chapter Fifty-Nine] No Lucky Number Three

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Chapter Fifty-Nine – No Lucky Number Three
Julian's Pov

Tomorrow, I was going to be going to pick her up tomorrow. I usually went there on Saturday's but now, I'm not visiting, I'm helping her pack up the rest of her stuff and I'm taking her with me. I had to borrow Kylie's truck to be able to bring it all.

Then I would take her out to get whatever she needed for the apartment, first we were heading to her place for her to pack up anything she needed there while her parents didn't know she was out and then I would take her shopping for anything else.

I was looking forward to painting so I could steal her away for the nights; she shouldn't sleep in a paint fumed apartment.

Everything just felt so surreal, she was coming home with me tomorrow and we could do whatever we wanted, kind of, I just wanted to get our relationship in the open so I could take her out but I know she wasn't ready for it. I was hoping to keep things on the down low for at least a month but I don't know how well I could do that.

She was coming with me to Kylie's wedding which means she's going to meet my family and she told me her brother would be here in two months and if things didn't come out by then they would with him here. I hoped she would be okay because I had a feeling that her parents were going to make this whole thing a fucking nightmare.

I was meeting the rest of the cast on Monday, I was wondering if I'd worked with any of them before which may be complicated because I was not the greatest guy my last two movies but I was really excited to get back to work, I was already told that they wanted me to do a song for the movie and so that was extra. It had to be a love song of course for the theme of the movie.

Life finally felt like it was starting to fall into place, I was building a better relationship with people. Carter and I weren't perfect and I haven't forgiven him yet but I was trying to, we both knew it would take time but hopefully we would get there.

Being an addict for years made me want to not waste any more time, I didn't want to spend years hating him when he was trying, my dad was gone and we had a new chance to be a family.

I was antsy all night because I was nervous about her being alone this last week, I was so fucking afraid that she would follow Lacey, that it would be too much for her and she would give up before she even started.

It's not like I thought bad of her I just had two people give up and I just kept hearing 'third time's the charm' in my mind over and over, it was driving me insane. I called Kylie and asked her to keep an eye on Bailey and she said she would and that they all agreed that Bailey would be fine. She was evaluated by two therapists, the court accepted her release date, Kylie's spent time with her and the doctors say she's ready to leave.

Since lacey they're working on making things more strict to leave, they don't want to lose anyone else so I guess I just made the cut to leave without all of that.

I went over to see my mom so I could spend some time with her; she always had a way of making me feel better.

"Julian, what a lovely surprise." She ushered me in

"I know I didn't call but I just needed to be around someone." I admitted

"Are you okay?" she asked me concerned

"I'm okay, just worrying and I was tired of driving myself insane and I wanted to see you." I watched her run around the kitchen and she made hot chocolate while we talked

"Well I'm here to help, anything you want to talk about?" she asked me

"Bailey comes home tomorrow and I meet the cast Monday, it's supposed to be a day to get to know each other before we jump into reading through the script."

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