Chapter 13

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Jade's P.O.V

It's been a month since Luke left and I miss him so much. But it's good that he's not here cause I've been sick for the last few weeks and I don't want him to see me like this.

"Are you okay?" I hear Parker say from outside the bathroom.

"Yeah hold on!"

Once I finish puking I go and lay down on my bed.

"Do you need anything?"

"Can you go get me some chicken and pickles please?"

"Chicken and pickles? You just threw up."

"Oh and some peanut butter!"

"I don't think you should be eating anything when I said can I get you anything I was talking about water or any pain relievers."

"But I'm craving it so bad."

"Okay let me go to the store."

Parker was gone for about an hour and while she was gone I threw up three times and cried about two times. I was laying there when I heard the door open and close.

"Parker is that you?" I yell,

"Yeah okay listen to me I think I know why you have been throwing up."

"And that is?"

"Okay you've been throwing up, craving weird things that shouldn't be eaten together, and it looks like you've been crying."

"Okay and?"

"Have you gotten your period recently?"

"Um no."

"Jade I got these for you. I think you might be pregnant." she says handing me pregnancy tests.

"What! Pregnant? It's been awhile since I." I then remembered what happened at the beach with Luke and grabbed the pregnancy tests out of Parker's hands and ran to the bathroom.

I took the test and waited for the result. I was scared to look down but I finally did and I seen two lines. I walked out of the bathroom and gave Parker my pregnancy test.

"Oh my gosh Jade your pregnant!" she says jumping up and down.

"This isn't a good thing Parker!"

"Why your going to be a mommy."

"And you know who's going to be a daddy? Luke! A guy who's on the other half of the world living his dream and I don't want to take that away from him."

"So are you not going to tell him?"

"No I have to tell him, but I'll tell him not to worry about me and you'll be here and I'll be fine."

"Do you think he will listen."

"I hope so." I say worried.

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