Chapter 10

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Lafayette paced in front of the dinning room. She needed to warn Nicholas that now wasn't the time to rile her mother up. She had wanted to see him and even confront him for ignoring her but she didn't want soup thrown at the man!

The sound of heavy footsteps caught her attention and she smoothed at the bodice of her dress. Her excitement quickly washed away as she discovered it was her mother approaching. "Why on earth are you out here pacing?"

"I, um, I was watching for you."

Hany smiled her. Lafayette took the time to look her mother over. Her mother was a plump woman, skin the darkest of brown and blemish free. Her hair was coarse and typically braided back. Her mother was beautiful and looked nowhere near her age. How her child of a father managed to get her had always been a bit of mystery.

Hany cupped her chin, "You're a sweetheart, darling. Come on, let's sit."

Lafayette swallowed nervously. They walked into the dinning hall and sat. Leo was already seated, a weary look on his face at the sight of Hany so calm. A few minutes passed before the doors burst open and her father, drunk and practically being carried by Nicholas, stumbled in. Nicholas sat him down in the farthest seat from Hany before sitting across from her.

Their eyes met before he quickly looked away, running a hand through his hair. Lafayette nearly screamed. He was going to ignore even in the same room?

The silence was quickly broken as Hany smiled at Nicholas, "Hello, Nick. How are you?"

The gasp in the room that escaped the lungs of all who sat at the table was so audible it could be heard from outside. Where was the exasperated sigh at seeing Nicholas at the table? Where was the side eye, the witty remarks. The rapid questioning of the taste of the food.

Nicholas suddenly looked uncomfortable. "I... I'm quite go- I mean wonderful, thank you and you?" 

Hany's smile remained as the dinner was brought in. "I must say I'm doing rather well."

The silence that engulfed the room was so thick it was almost as if a mist had filled the room. The sounds of silverware smacking against platters and swallows of drink were all that were heard.

Suddenly Nicholas smacked down his spoon. "Bloody hell, I can't sit through this. For God's sake, just apologize you fool. I don't know about the rest of you lot but I can't damn well pretend like I'm not overwhelmed by the tension."

A sigh of relief flew past Lafayette's lips. For once she was glad that the man had no filter.

Andrew stood, his chair scrapping the freshly polished hardwood. "Damn it, Hany. Scream at me. Yell at me. I'll not stop you."

Hany frowned, her face twisting up completely. "Just sit down and eat, Andrew. Not everything is about you."

"For God's sake, Hany. You think I want you to settle down and relax for my sake?"

Suddenly Hany stood, turning to face Andrew across the dinning table. "Isn't it? You selfish, arrogant, rude-," Andrew cut her off, "It wasn't for me!" He screamed his words so loud everyone flinched.

"God, you've worked for most of your life! Even now, when my wealth is your wealth and a comfortable life sits in your hands you still work yourself ragged! I want you to rest, damn it! Am I a monster for that? Am I a bloody fool for wanting my wife to rest?"

Hany's voice cracked, "Cooking is all I've known, what right do you think you have to tell me that I'm not qualified enough to cook my family dinner? You've known me long enough to know that cooking is more than just work to me..."

Andrew ran a hand down his face, groaning at the sound of her voice shaking. "Hany, good Lord, I love you! You know that! I'll never mention you cooking in the kitchen as an issue ever again, my intention was never to hurt you, you have to know that, I just wanted you to rest. I wanted to make sure you knew... Damn it, you're just as qualified, hell more so than anyone who comes in here and claims to be a chef."

Hany's eyes watered and she huffed before sitting back in her seat, "As long as you know it... If I didn't love you, I would throw this bloody soup at you. But it took hours to stew and I won't waste it."

The relief that rushed through the room was almost instantaneous. Before anyone could continue eating Andrew was across the room, tossing Hany over his shoulder. She shrieked in surprise as he walked from the room, carrying her away.

Leo suddenly stood, placing his spoon down. "I'll take my leave." He shot Lafayette a swift look before heading toward the door.

Nicholas stiffened, the two of them were suddenly very alone in the space of the dinning room. Nicholas sat down his silverware but before he could make his escape Lafayette stopped him, "Please don't go, I don't want to eat alone."

He stared at her for a moment before groaning, his hands knotting into fists. The sweet look on her face seemed to be directly smacking at his groin. He couldn't tell her no. He just couldn't. He settled back down in his seat and picked his spoon back up. "Of course. It wouldn't be very gentlemanly of me to leave a lady to dine alone?"

Lafayette smiled so brightly he groaned. He blew a breath before quickly stuffing a spoonful of soup into his mouth. The quicker he ate the quicker he could get away from her and the budding lust he felt. 

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