Complete Darkness

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Warning!!!!! Sexual abuse mentioned in this chapter 


November 27, Saturday

"Pansy? May I ask what the hell you are doing?" Hermione asked, rubbing her eyes. She glanced around the almost pitch-black room. She could barely make out a figure across the room. 

"Uh, sneaking out. What does it look like?"  

"Okay, fine. May I ask why the hell you are sneaking out?" Hermione rephrased her original question. 

"I, uh, I have no, um, specific reason..." Pansy murmured. 

"You, uh, have, um, no specific reason. Yeah, right. As if I'd believe that. Tell me where you're going. I not gonna report you or anything." Hermione waited for Pansy's response. Pansy stayed silent for a second. 

"I'm not going any where of any importance. You really don't need to know." Hermione heard Pansy stumble towards the door in the dark. She cringed as she heard Pansy trip, curse, and proceed to fall roughly on the floor. 

"Idiot," Hermione laughed quietly. 

"Shut up," Pansy replied. 

"But, dude. I really want to know where you're going. I won't tell anyone and I won't follow you or anything. You've just gotten me all curious. And here, let me turn on a light." Hermione reached across the bed and flicked on a lamp. 

"No, wait! Don't!" But Hermione had already turned on the lamp. She gasped as she saw the Pansy was wearing a slightly flashy outfit with a face full of makeup. However, despite the makeup, Hermione saw that Pansy's face was bright red. Hermione started to chuckle, but eventually started laughing harder. 

"What-" Hermione forced out between her laughs. "-are you-" Hermione paused to laugh again. "-wearing?" Hermione felt tears spring up in her eyes as she laughed harder. Pansy blushed. 

"Hermione! Why'd you turn on the lights?" Pansy shouted. She then brought down her voice. "I'm just heading somewhere," Pansy said. 

"Where the hell are you going in that at-" Hermione paused and looked over at the clock, still laughing slightly. "-one in the morning?" Hermione suddenly stopped laughing. "Wait," Hermione climbed out from under her sheets and crawled over to the end of her bed, so she was face to face with Pansy. "Are you-" Hermione fell off the bed.

Pansy tried hard not to laugh. "Are you okay?" 

"Stop dodging the question!" Hermione said as she stumbled to get up. 

"Dodging your question? You didn't even finish your sentence." 

"Are you meeting someone?" Hermione exclaimed. Pansy's eyes widened, and she threw her hand over Hermione's mouth. 

"Hermione! Don't yell something like that out loud!" Pansy scolded her. 

"Oh, sorry," Hermione said once Pansy took her hand off. She stood silent for a few seconds. "But, are you?" Pansy rolled her eyes, but Hermione could see her slightly blushing. "You are! Aren't you?" she exclaimed but quieter than last time. Pansy slightly nodded. "Oh, is it Zacharias?" Hermione fidgeted with her hands. Pansy stayed silent, but the blush in her cheeks darkened. "Oh, I knew it!" Pansy tried hard to contain her smile. 

"I am." Hermione squealed. 

"Well, what are you waiting for? Don't keep your man waiting. I won't wait up for you, though. Tell me how it went in the morning, okay?" Hermione was acting as if she was more excited than Pansy. Pansy nodded and turning to leave, but just as she reached the door, she flung herself around. 

"Do I look okay?" Pansy asked shyly. 

"You look great, now get going!" Hermione bustled her out of the door and shut it quietly. She sighed and climbed back into her bed. She scrambled to get her sheets in order. Most had fallen off of the bed when she did. Hermione squealed once more. She was so excited for Pansy. Once Hermione had calmed herself down, she reached over for her lamp. As she thought about Pansy finally being in a mutual, healthy relationship, she began thinking about her and Draco. 

Her thoughts eventually spun into Ron. 

"Hermione?" Hermione shot up in bed and looked around her darkened room but couldn't see anything. 

"Who's there?" she called into the darkness surrounding her. Her hand flew over to her lamp, and she flicked it on. Ron stood in her doorway, his eyes as dark as the room around him. 

"It's me, 'Mione. Did you miss me?" he asked in a sickeningly sweet tone. Hermione felt a small bead of sweat drip down her forehead. 

"What are you doing in this room. These are the girls' rooms!" Hermione instinctively pulled the  bed sheets over her. 

"Oh, come on, 'Mione, you know the rules don't apply to me." Ron made his way across the room. Hermione flinched as he neared her. Ron's face changed. He appeared to be genuinely hurt. "'Mione, you know I'd never hurt you, right?" 

"Never hurt me? Yeah, right." Hermione scoffed. Courage came from somewhere unknown and filled her as she straightened up. Ron's eyes quickly flickered darker as she said this. 

"That was because of you," Ron hissed through his teeth. "You tempted me, bitch. You're lucky I even wanted you. You're the ugliest piece of shit in this dump they call a school." Hermione cringed but tried her best to seem unfazed. 

"Draco doesn't think so," Hermione commented. "Now, get out of this room." Ron grabbed her wrist. 

"I sneaked out just to see you, but this is how you repay me?" Ron tightened his grip. "I went through so much trouble just to see you. I got past the wards outside of this room that keep boys out. And yet here you are, telling me that it was my fault and not yours that I did that that night."

"Ow, Ron, you're hurting me." Hermione was losing courage quickly. Ron didn't seem to have heard her. 

"You're so ungrateful." Ron reached out and put his hand on the lamp switch. Right before he turned off the lamp, he slapped Hermione hard across the face. She was sure that would leave a red mark. He leaned in and softly kissed it (which made Hermione cringe) before plunging them into complete darkness.

Author's Note

I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry. I am-- well, you get the idea. I am aware I have failed to update for, like, three months. But just like I said in the last couple updates, there is something going on in my life. I don't want to be a downer though so I won't go into specifics. I'll just say I've been having medical problems. I think it may be coming to a close soon though (not soon enough). And by come to a close I mean they'll still have to monitor me for a while but I think I'm... "cured"? I don't really know what word to use for it. I hope all of you can forgive me. And I am super, super, SUPER sorry again because I think I'll be going on hiatus for a bit which means I won't be updating. I know I already kind of went on a pretty long hiatus but at least now you know I won't be updating...? I think I will be back in February at some point. If I am not, I'll try and let y'all know somehow. Anyways, thanks again and I'll hopefully see you in Feb. Kiss Kiss! (Oh and yes I know it's cruel to leave you on hiatus especially after a cliffhanger!) 

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