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My name is Phil Thomas, and I'm an ordinary man in a world gone mad. About three months of B.G, I was celebrated as an American war hero. I remember after the craziness that I had suffered through, nothing would have been better than spending time with my sons. If I could travel back in time, I probably would slap myself. Three years in the desert is nothing compared to what I have to deal with now? For you see, I'm a member of a team of helixes and humans designed to be champions of the planet and bring humanity back from the brink. And today was the most important mission yet. For a week now, the mayor of our city Max Greene had issued a public meeting to discuss the passing of a bill on Helix insurance. So on June 18th A.G., hundreds of people were in the city hall. Including my allies and me.

From up above, they were a couple of drones that were monitoring everything in a 2-mile radius. The creator of Genesis Chelsea Danvers piloted all of them. She was the creator of this little group. And so far, we've done good work. We even have a formerly invisible girl giving us cookies bi-weekly. Then in the massive crowd, "we" communicated on our comms.

"Derek, are you ready to move?"

"Yeah, give me the signal, but make it quick. Because I just learned cotton and spandex aren't very comfortable."

That was Derek Lewis, a.k.a Wildfire, the hero of Philly. The kid had a lot to learn, but his passion and potential were admirable. He was getting stronger and faster every day. I think now he can run up walls and Chelsea said he could maybe try water next. I thank him every day for his service that he was doing. It was undoubtedly one of the strangest arrangements ever conceived. I only wished that I could do more to help him in the field. But here I am on the sidelines looking at a computer screen while a boy almost half my age risks his life.

Anyways as soon as the mayor started to appear, the crowd grew even louder. A lot the people here were pro helix advocates or Purifiers. I could tell of the latter due to the fact they had black flags with a white flame. The only reason I could think of was that the new Helix tax would be worse than directly funding antihelix technology. If you want my info on it, I detest the Purifiers and their mission. Because if it comes to pass, then, that means that person you hang out with every Sunday, your brother, your mother someone in your life who is just trying to live theirs will forever be afraid of you. When Genesis came, I was relieved that I found my ex-wife and my sons alive. Life is precious enough, and it saddens me as a human to have so many forget that fact.

In minutes Max walks out to silence the crowd. He walked in a formal suit with his Caucasian skin and ruffled black hair and green eyes.

"To all of you who are listening here today. I'm truly sorry. When Genesis came, we didn't do enough to calm the masses. When Helixes had lost control of their powers and themselves, we didn't do enough. When I became mayor I promised to support and defend the Constitution of United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. I still intend to do everything in my power to quell the scars Genesis left on us. But I need your help. I need all of you to look inside yourselves and see the best part of yourselves because that is the only way we will finally move forward as one. I'm not on one side of this petty squabble. I do not choose helix or humanity. I only choose unity. Now fill free to ask any questions of-. "

A part of me wanted to hope so badly that something didn't go wrong. If this helix insurance gets adequately implemented, it could change everything. After hearing the dribble of Thomas Davidson, it was nice to listen to solutions. It was nice to see helixes as not monsters or plague but as something we have to live with now and forever. You'd think someone who used to be in the field would be used to things going to shit, but this world still finds ways to surprise me. A beam of light from out of nowhere managed to partially hit Max's head as he immediately falls to the ground. The entire crowd exploded into pandemonium instantly. Through the chaos, I navigated through the wave of people. The fear and hysteria spread like a plague. Some were fighting and running blindly. I barely managed to stop a little boy, not much older than my youngest son from getting trampled. A couple of minutes later, Chelsea is ringing in my ear.

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