Matt | Best girlfriend ever | HP AU | 100th Chapter!

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A/n: Hey guys! I can't believe that this is the 100th part of this book already. Thanks for making it possible.

Here's a request I got awhile back. I hope it was what you were asking for.

Also, I haven't been able to watch season eight for a few more weeks... my friend wants to watch it with me. I'm kinda bummed I couldn't make the spoiler chapter for people to rant. So... no spoilers please!

Note- I tried best to make it work for you to be in whatever house you are in. Sorry if it gets a bit hard to understand. I tried my best.

Word count- 1067 words.


Your POV

It was a late Friday evening. It was Hufflepuffs vs Ravenclaws playing in the Quiddich Final today. Whoever won today won the cup.

Despite your house (unless you are a Hufflepuff), you were cheering for your boyfriend, Matt Holt. You had to be the cheering louder than anyone in the stands, in return getting some weird and disgusted (if you're not Hufflepuff, and especially of you're a Ravenclaw) looks.

Suddenly Matt, the Hufflepuff seeker, shot into the sky. He must have seen the snitch, and Lance, the Ravenclaw seeker, noticed this so he took off in the direction Matt was headed towards.

"Go, Matt, you got his," you whispered to yourself as you clutched a thermos of hot chocolate tightly.

It was cold out, really cold out. You had a blanket on your shoulders and another one on your lap that you would give to Matt when the match was over.

You watched Matt and Lance zip through the piercing-cold wind and into the fog above. Everyone went silent as they seemed to disappear completely in the ghostly mist.

Matt suddenly came zooming out of the fog, holding the snitch high in the air for everyone to see.

The Hufflepuff stand cheered loudly, screaming, roaring so loudly your ears started ringing. Suddenly you realized that you were standing; you must have gotten up in your excitement.

A moment later you had left your seat completely, running between the rest of the seats, not caring that you were pushing past everyone else. You ran down the slippery stairs, hoping that you wouldn't fall.

Somehow you managed to make it down without a problem.

You ran out onto the field, just like a whole bunch of Hufflepuffs had already had, and made your way towards Matt.

Matt smiled as you ran towards him, shouting his name in the process. Suddenly you practically jumped onto him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck, pulling him to your level, then you pressed a kiss to your lips.

"You're freezing!" You exclaimed once you pulled away from the kiss. Your heart rate started to slow down, now that your excitement and wave of adrenaline had disappeared.

"I'm fine-"

You quickly grabbed your second blanket, the one you had brought for Matt, and wrapped it around his shoulders.

"Fine," he agreed, "I am cold. So are my lips, do you think you can warm them up for me?"

You chuckled. "Come here, you," you gripped the blanket on either side of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss.

When you pulled away he couldn't help but smirk, but he also had a light dusting of pink on his cheeks. "Thank you."

"Yeah, you're welcome."

He wrapped his blanketed arms around you, pulling you close to him. "Are you ready for the party?"

"What party?" You asked him, wondering what he could be talking about.

"Umm, the party celebrating our victory, of course," Matt stated, giving you a smile.

"Umm," You mocked him," I don't know if you've noticed or not, but I'm not a Hufflepuff." (Unless if you are, sorry)

He smiles cheekily. "Well, being the Seeker's boyfriend is about to earn you some special privileges."


About half an hour later the last of the Hufflepuffs were making their way into the common room. There were a lot of people- something you weren't too fond of. Parties weren't really your thing, especially ones that were with a whole group of people you didn't know very well (especially if you're in a different house). But you were doing it for Matt, because you know he wanted you to be there.

It was all fun and games at first. Everyone was playing different party games, dancing, and overall just having a great time. But then someone brought out a bottle of Fire Whiskey and Matt managed to get his hands on it...

A few hours later it was obvious that he had gotten a little too much to drink. You could easily say that, because he was dancing on top of one of the tables as he screamed the lyrics of some muggle song that had been played at least a dozen times.

Finally, you decided that he had enough. "Matt," you tapped his leg, "I think you should go to bed."

"But I don't want to," He insisted.

"Don't care," you stated and grabbed his hand.

He got down from the table, but not after slipping and you thankfully catching him. He also had to shout good night to everyone before you were able to take him to his room.

A/n: Pretend the magical stairs enchantment doesn't exist, please, thank you!

His roommates must have still been downstairs partying, because you were the only two in the room. You took of his cloak and hung it up while he took off his shoes and pants, leaving him in a t-shirt and his boxers.

"Do I have to?" He asked.


He created into bed and pulled the covers over himself. "Good night kiss?" He asked.

"No, you're drunk," you stated.

"I'm not," He hiccuped, "drunk."

You smiled a bit at him. "I beg to differ."

"Please." You gave you the brown puppy-eyed look you couldn't seem to resist.

"Fine." You pecked his lips lightly.

"You're the best girlfriend ever." He smiled.

You couldn't help but blush. "Get some sleep, Matt." You kisses his forehead before getting up. "Good night."

"Good night, (y/n)."


A/n: Omg I loved writing that one so if anyone ever has a HP AU request I'll be glad to write it.

See ya next time, my dudes.


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