The trip to Hogsmeade (part one of 4)

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Lily's Pov

All the girls in seventh year got the day off today to go shopping for our dresses and accessories for the ball. We had to go in a group so naturally I was going with Hattie, Natalie and Lucy, we were buzzing as we got dressed in the dorm, girl shopping without the guys is always the best. As we walked down the stairs to the common room gasps echoed, I smirked, we did look pretty good. I burst out laughing when I realised that James had dropped his ink bottle and it was all down his trousers. Hattie walked over to Sirius, they'd become really close friends, but she assured me it was nothing more, and you could tell cause they just smiled and started talking, unlike James and me. I was blushing furiously and James was just gawping at me. I sighed.

"James my eyes are up here." I said pointing at my face.

" I think your mistaken lily I'm pretty sure I'm looking at them," James managed to reply still ogling at my chest.

"Arse" I muttered grabbing my bag, Peter and Lucy were talking together, she was blushing and he was smiling. Natalie and Remus were also talking, but Natalie said it was all to do with what Sirius and Hattie talked about. When she first told me this my hands flew to my mouth as we began squealing that Sirius and Remus both liked each other, we were going to leave it to Sirius's singing for them to figure it out though. I was the happiest I think I had ever been.

It was quite a nice day so I was wearing a chilled out batman t-shirt and some ripped skinny jeans, my fiery hair was straightened and loose around my shoulders, I had black lace up boots and a couple of braclets on. We set of down the road to Hogsmeade. We were talking about Remus and Sirius and James and Peter when the subject changed to what kind of dress we wanted, none of us had any idea, but I did know I wanted something blue. Blue was James's favourite colour and I wanted him to like my outfit.

Hattie's pov

I was kind of listening to what Lily was going on about, but my mind kept wondering over to Natalie, I sneaked a look over at her when she wasn't looking in my direction.
She was really really pretty, who am I kidding she was supermegafoxyawesomehot. The reason I related to Sirius so much was because I know how he felt, to love someone so much and never be able to tell them because your scared of how they'll react. I had a crush on her, and I wanted to wear some thing really nice, to show her how much I like her. But then again, she has boys falling at her feet. I mean, I have boys asking me out to but I've never actually gone out with any of them. But I was happy enough, I wanted a red dress, red was my favourite colour. The Gryffindor colour, bravery, the virtue I valued more than anything. We had just reached the dress shop and had walked through the door, the bell chiming as it swung closed behind us. My eyes lit it like a fire as I looked around at the room, filled with the most beautiful dresses I'd ever seen. We all managed to look at each other at the same time it was as if it was girls intuition, we squealed and I swear you could have heard us from the castle.

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