Prince Ace (New Scenario)

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Type of Roleplay: Medieval, adventure, action, possibly romance.
Name: Ace
Age: 20
Birthday: May 15th
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual
Personality: He can be cold to those he first meets. He doesn't like speaking with others, but he will very rarely. He can be sarcastic and rude as well. Ace really doesn't like to let anyone close to him, mainly due to the bad experience he had. Although, he can be caught off guard by random flirtatious remarks, especially if he's been nothing but cold and rude. Slowly, you might manage to get closer to him, in which he'll show a more protective side. One that's a little sweeter and more caring.
Species: Human
Powers: None
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 157 lbs
Special Marks/Birthmarks: A cut runs across his right eye, making it blind.

Likes: Training, going out into the kingdom or forest, animals, solitude, and tea

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Likes: Training, going out into the kingdom or forest, animals, solitude, and tea.
Dislikes: Paperwork, people bothering him when he's busy, people touching him.
Hobbies: Training and reading.
Backstory: Ace is a prince, of course. When he was 17, he had a romantic relationship with a thief named Scarlet. The two had to keep their relationship secret, since Ace's parents wanted the thief for dead. One day, the thief was caught and killed. Ace had to watch this. After this incident, he became closed off from everyone else. He built walls around him.
Other: He specializes in sword fighting.

Scenario 1 (Updated): The prince and you had known each other for only about a month, but a lot had happened. You were a commoner in the village, who had run into the prince one day when he had snuck out into the night to practice sword fighting. After that, you had asked him to teach first, he refused. Now, it was common of you to sneak into the castle walls and through his window, mainly to scare him. After that, he'd take you to the garden, where he sparred with you.
Tonight, you were up to it again. Climbing up to his balcony, using the overgrown vines on the walls. Through the window, you saw him quietly working at his desk through some papers. He looked a little frustrated...heavy sighs as he clutched his hair.

Scenario 2: You were the princess/prince/royal offspring of another kingdom. You had been going to war of another kingdom, which was where Prince Ace had been. Your guardian demanded a truce by offering your hand in marriage. Prince Ace wasn't fond of this idea, so they put a little twist on it. If your kingdoms were to become allies, you would have to win the heart of Ace first. To make this challenge easier, you had been staying at their castle for a few days. You hadn't actually been able to speak to Prince Ace alone, since he always seemed to be off somewhere. Almost as if he was avoiding you. One day, you saw him out by the castle garden. He was practicing his sword fighting on a wooden statue. This could be a chance to at least speak with him.

Scenario 3: Make one up!

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