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Paxton Flynn

"Baby, I think it'll be nice if you go out more. Socialize a little with people who don't make you think of your boyfriend so much. As a mom and a doctor, I think that'll help."

I kept repeating the conversation my mum and I had in my head to help me go through with today. Yea, she cornered me and forced me to spill my guts out to her. I had no choice, I had to tell. According to her, I've lost weight, I don't smile a lot anymore, they barely see me around because I'm always locked in her and the absurd one that brought tears to her eyes was dad telling her that I don't yell my presence out anymore after school. Like up until now, who knew that'll be a problem.

I told her about Sebastian, the picture, his father and his sudden leave. There's nothing she can do about it since it's his father who took him but she promised to keep an ear out for any news. She also told me to pray for his safety and to keep healthy so when my prayers are answered, he wouldn't come home to a malnourished boyfriend. Then the last one about going out and making friends.

Not moving on, just making friends that weren't being extra careful about topic of conversation with me, weren't afraid to ask me what's wrong when I look like I wanna fall and didn't give me the pity look whenever I zone out of things. Don't get me wrong, my friends, Landon and Ryder are great but I understand where my mum is coming from. Unfortunately my mum has no idea I suck at meeting people and making friends.

Luckily for me, I have Barry Dawson.

After that day outside the shoe store, Barry bought me ice cream and we proceeded to talk until about Twenty minutes. I found out that he's new to town from the neighboring town. His mother found a job here and they moved. He goes to school online and actually paints for a living. He hasn't made that much friends here, given most of his mates are in college and he just recently took out an interest in bicycling.

When he found out I could ride really well, he offered me a job to replace his teacher. I refused of course but that's until I met him at the grocery store. Actually I saw him narrowly miss hitting an old lady outside, causing all her bought grocery to spill and I had to come help him out. He was really embarrassed by it and when he begged me again, I took the offer. It'll be a good way to distract myself and earn a little money.

"Moving on already? I'm so proud." Percy said walking into the room and falling on the bed with a magazine.

I picked up a pillow and threw it at him. "Don't be stupid."

He chuckled. "Fine. It's just he's a guy and you're gay. The only guys you go out to meet are Landon or lovers."

"Barry is my student that I'm actually getting to know and might be a good friend someday." I say tying the laces of my shoe.

"Wait, isn't Barry new to town?" I nodded and he smiled. "What's with you and new guys?"

I sighed. "Stop it Percy. Its not funny."

I expected him to scoff and say he's usual, 'you're no fun these days' but maybe it was my tone or the way my hands were shaking and I was burying them into my hair. Maybe. Whatever it was, I heard Percy sigh and say, "I'm sorry."

I raise a brow, "you are?"

He nods. "I shouldn't have said that. But I really don't like this Barry guy, his name is Barry. Barry, they usually have full sleeves you know."

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