Chapter 20

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Jimin's POV

"It's Hyun mi....." he trailed off.

Miah? What about her? I wanted to badly ask him but I stopped myself.

"You know I don't care Taehyung. Why are you even telling me this? Isn't she your responsibilty now?" I seethed.

"Will you stop being so stubborn for once Jimin?"

"Look who's talking," I rolled my eyes.

He grabbed me by my collar and seethed.

"You will come with me Jimin even if it means I have to drag you there," he still insisted.

I pushed him away from me my brows furrowing. There is no fucking way I'm going with him.

"Forget about it Taehyung," Yoongi snapped with a quiet but scary tone.

"Hyung, you don't understand. Hyun mi's going to—"

"Watch your mouth Taehyung," he warned cutting him off.

"Just what the fuck is happening here?" I yelled at the both of them.

Taehyung snapped his gaze at me.

"Nothing," he growled and walked out the door.

As if this day isn't even shitty enough, Dahyun came out of the room yelling.

"I will not let you go to Hyun mi do you understand that Jimin? Never!" she looked at me angrily.

"Will you for once shut the fuck up?!" I yelled back at her

"What hell Jimin? So you're going to her then?! Huh?!"

"Will you shut up, both of you?! Dahyun, go home. I know your manager won't be happy to know you're here," Yoongi snapped at us.

Dahyun just rolled her eyes and stomped her way out mumbling. Yoongi walked over to me and stood right infront of me.

"Never forget this day Jimin. Taehyung came here to ask for your help. Remember that you refused and acted like a complete idiot. Someday, you'll regret this," without second glances, he walked back to his room.

What Yoongi said scared me. I know I will be regretting this day. I know I miss her so much and what Taehyung said really concerns me but I really don't have the guts to face her. I'm scared to see her swollen stomach, her carrying their child. I'm scared to see a satisfied smile on her face. I'm scared to see her happy without me. Fuck I just can't, and I know this day will forever haunt me.

What puzzles me is that why would Taehyung want my help with her? She may or may not be carrying his child but can't Taehyung do something about that matter himself? I walked back to my room and laid down on my bed. Once I closed my eyes, I can already feel sleep coming in.

"Anyeong," Miah's smiling at me.

"Miah," I smiled back at her. I pulled her in for a tight hug and she hugged me back too.

"I miss you so much," I said as I burry my face in the nape of her neck.

"I miss you too," she whispered back but started coughing so bad.

I pulled away from the hug and cupped her face. Her eyes are shining from her rough coughing.

"Are you okay?" I asked her while she's touching my face.

"I'm fine Jimin, just a little sick," she whispered.

Jungkook's POV

I left Hyun mi for a moment to open the front door. Who could this be? It's already pass 10 and I'm sure it isn't Tae since he just texted me he'll come back here tomorrow.

When I opened the door, Chaeyoung came into view.

"Chaeyoung? What are you doing here?" I asked as I pulled her into the warmth of our house.

I hugged her tightly and felt relief from all the tension that has been happening. She hugged me back and pulled out to take her coat off.

"It's freezing cold outside babe, did you drive all the way here?" I asked, cupping her face.

She's the only one who can calm my mind. She can't just leave me alone even when I told her to stay away from me.

"Yeah," she whispered and leaned into my touch further.

"Come," I pulled her hand to the couch.

Miah's fast asleep in her room. Tomorrow, we'll know if Jimin will come or not so it's best if she gets all the rest she needs.

"I have something to tell you," she held my hand.

I looked at her beautiful eyes. Her lips started to quiver and I immediately pecked her on her lips.

"Tell me babe, what is it?" I urged.

"I-I'm 3 months pregnant Jungkook," she stuttered.

I don't know what to say. Did I heard that right? She's pregnant?

"Y-You're p-pregnant?"

She nodded.

"With our baby?"

She nodded again.

I squeezed my eyes shut and pinched my nose bridge. Chaeyoung is pregnant! Ofcourse I'm happy but I don't know how to react. She stayed silent beside me and started biting her lower lip, she's crying.

"I'm so sorry," she started sobbing.

I shifted so I could fully face her. I hugged her tightly and stroked her blonde hair.

"Please don't be mad. I'll stay away from you as far as possible if that's what you want me to do," she immediately jumped into conclusion.

"What? No no, I don't want you to go anywhere," I cupped her face.

"Why aren't you saying something then?" she sniffled.

"I'm just shocked babe. I never expected this. Not this early but I am happy. I am beyond happy. Aren't you happy?" I smiled widely at her.

Ofcourse I want a child with her. Only with her.

"I am happy," she smiled and tears of joy continued flowing from her eyes. "I thought you'd be mad," she started smiling while crying.

"Why would I be mad babe? I am beyond excited. It may not be the right timing but I am happy," I smiled from ear to ear.

"Shincharo?" (really?) she once again asked for reassurance.

"Yes, really. I love you," I smiled at this beautiful woman who's going to be the mother of our child.

I leaned in to kiss her and for once in so many months, there's hope raying in.

I just hope Taehyung comes back tomorrow with Jimin.


Yeah, I'll be updating 3 chapters for today. I didn't find time to edit chaoter 24 and 25 because I was in our university enrolling for our next semester.

I can't believe we're starting a new sem again and I hope I can still keep up with my updating schedule and pattern.

If not, I'll just finish Tomorrow with You before Christamas if I can and continue with my book GUN FOR HIRE and HIDDEN.

ALSO, CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BOYS FOR WINNING MULTIPLE AWARDS AT MAMA 2018!! Though the camera angle and lighting sucks, they're still perfect. Roo bad Blackpink didn't attend but still had an award, the concept lmao.

Okay that's all 😘😘

- Haeun ❤

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