Ch. 42

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Olivia's POV-

It's been...a wild day so far.

First. Zac didn't talk to me. Second I see Jack. Third umm, we uh yeah. You get the point

We were laying on his bed and I looked at him

"Shit, that really did make me loose my breath"

He said and we both laughed

"Me too, this is wild"

I say and He nodded

"Hold up"

He says sitting up putting on his underwear on and went to the restroom

I get up wrapping the thin blanket around my body and I hear the toilet flush and I walked inside seeing him washing his hands now

"Your hot sir"

I said and he laughed

"Well your fine yourself too ma'am"

He said drying his hands then grabbed my butt which...hurts

"Ow don't do that anymore"

I said then he placed a kiss on my lips


He says walking away and laying back down in the bed

"Damn Johnson really did spam my phone with messages saying if he can come"

"When did he sent that?"

"Uhh, an hour ago"

He said and I flushed the toilet rapping myself with the blanket again

"It's been that long?-"


He said putting his phone back down and patting the empty space next to him


I say putting back on my underwear then dropping the blanket facing away from him

"Stop being a tease"

He said and I turn around slightly cover my chest with my arm as I placed my bra on

"I'm not being a tease, your just seeing it like that"

I said as I sit down on the bed but he pulled me closer to him


He said and I got confused

"For what?"

"Leaving your ass all red"

He said and I get up going to the restroom

"Did you actually leave it that red?"

I say and I turn a bit and I see my butt bright red

"Jack! Oh my god"

I yelled and he laughed

"I'm sorry baby"

He said wrapping his arms around me

"It's ok"

I say

"G?! Are you here? If you are I don't want to go up there."

I hear Johnson and I jump

"Johnson's here!"

I say, I didn't only miss Gilinsky but also Johnson. He was my best friend toooooo

"Imma borrow this thanks"

I say getting his shirt and putting on thankful it was long enough

I run downstairs and I look around not knowing where he can be since they did move houses

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