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Ooooooh, maybe my plan did work! Because I totally didn't have this planed before hand! Psssh
Angelica's POV
I walked into to school and was immediately meet with glares.

I just brushed it off. If anyone has a problem they should tell me, and if they don't they aren't worth my time.

As I was walking to my locker, I noticed a bunch of papers on other people's lockers and what used to be bare walls.

I walked up to me locker and there was a paper on mine too.

What the hell?

I took the taped pice of paper off my locker and read it.

Then I realized,

This is from MY DIARY!

I looked at the papers everywhere else, they were all the same entry!

This is the one about...Alexander...

Oh God! My reputation is ruined! Who did this!? Because once I find out they're dead!

Wait, I didn't walk with Eliza to day, she got here before that means...

I look at her locker, the paper isn't there.

I ran to the closed bathroom. And for sure, I heard sobbing.

"Eliza?" I called out, trying to decide witch stall to open.

"Go away..."


"Eliza..." I asked putting my ear against the door of the stall she was in.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked. She sounded utterly heart broken.

" were so, head-over-heels for him. And you've always put others before you...I thought if I waited this little crush out, it'd go away. But it didn't. And I knew if I did, you'd let me have him, and say you're fine. But you'd be lying."

"I see the way he looks at you...I had brushed it off 'til now." She sighed.

I felt horrible.

"So...are we good?" I asked hopefully.

She opened the stall door.

She looked me directly in the eyes.

"I need some time." She said harshly.

She brushed past me.

I can't believe this.

She looked at me like she couldn't stand me.


Who ever did this, is going to pay.
I know it's short, just, work with me.

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