I Felt the Fear From Years Ago

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"I'm sorry... You were right... I should have left you alone"

"No... Levi no"

"I can't do this anymore i'm sorry y/n"

"No Levi!" He didn't answer "Levi please come back!" "Levi I swear to fuck!" "Levi I love you! I need you! Please... Come back" I went into my bed crying, If only he never met me! If only he didn't care about me! If only I didn't love him!! If only he never liked me...

"You what?"

"I said I love you"

"I'm coming over"

"Levi, it's really late"

"I don't care, I need to talk to you" I ran downstairs to the couch, it was right by the door. I heard a knock and jolted, but ran to the door. I opened it expecting Levi, but it wasn't him.

"Who are you exactly?" I asked with a raised an eyebrow. The guy had a hoodie on that covered his face. I couldn't see who it was, until he pulled back his hood.

"Okay, okay, okay. I know you can't forgive me or what I did but please... Let's just talk"

"NO! Fuck you Mason!" I tried to close the door but he was stronger and stopped me, pushing his way into my home. "Mason get out! Now!" He slammed the door behind him locking it.

*WARNING WARNING this may be disturbing to some. I am not making fun of when these things happen. I just thought it would put an interesting part to the story.*

He came closer to me taking his hoodie off, I backed up to the wall. My limbs numb from fear, fear from a couple years ago. "MASON GET THE FUCK OUT NOW! I'M NOT DOING THIS!" I screamed, he covered my mouth with his dirty hands. Please, Lev! Please be here soon! He tugged at my sweatpants, I tried to kick him off but he held my legs still.

"Guess i'm going to make you have fun. Why do you have to hold such a grudge?" He pinned me to the floor, his knees pushing into my arms. He pulled up my shirt, as I tried to kick but my legs but they just froze. Why am I not stronger!? Why can't I move!? I looked over in tears, when I saw car lights parking through the curtains.My eyes widened and my heart raced, I wanted to scream. But I didn't know what would happen if I did, Screw it!

"LEVI!" Mason soon covered my mouth but it was too late. Levi broke through the door and looked at what was going on. Levi ran over and ripped him off of me, I quickly grabbed my shirt and put it on. Levi on top of him and pinned him to the floor, and with stone eyes looked at me.

"What the fuck is going on!?" I was breathing heavy. Levi was distracted and Mason punched him in the face knocking him out cold. Levi was still on top of him though he struggled to get him off. I went into the kitchen grabbing a knife.

"Don't... fucking... touch me!" I stood my ground, digging up anger that had been pushed down for so long. I yearned to stab him, but held back my foolish thoughts. He came closer, I raised my knife. "I'll do it! I won't hesitate!" He gave me a freakish smile, revealing his disgusting teeth. I dropped the knife, You deserve this you fool! Tears ran down my face.

"You already are" He said tilting his head, giving off another scary smirk. He came closer to me, I couldn't move. "I know you won't do it" I saw Levi wake up, he was silent enough for Mason not to hear. I stared at the wall, I couldn't move. I was frozen to the touch, I just let Levi get up quietly. Levi grabbed the knife off of the floor right behind Mason, he raised up behind him raising the knife along with it.

"Get off of her!" Mason turned around eyes filled with fright. Levi glared at him with those stone eyes that I yearn for. Mason backed up, his eyes filled with fear. Levi followed him to the door. "Now get out! And stay out!" Mason ran out the door, quietly shrieking like a little girl. I calmed myself down, trying to slow my heartbeat. I broke down falling back onto the floor, I sobbed. I felt that my wall had been breached once again, more cracks showed on my surface. Levi came over to me and hugged me, it felt nice but it didn't help my broken self. The cracks never healed, they never will. My thoughts never stopped, they keep on going. My mind never stopped swirling, it hypnotized me with the endless circle. My legs burned from the frightened sweat that had seeped into the holes in my 'painting' I should have died! I'm a worthless slut! I wanted what he did to me! What is wrong with me?! I looked at my hands wondering what was so different about me from the others. Why I was the one to be targeted, whether I wanted that or not. I looked at his hair, it was so shiny. I stopped crying and looked up at him.

"L-Levi?" I looked at him, into his melted silver eyes.

"Hm?" He looked back at me with a smile, it was warm and made me feel better.

"Would you mind if you stayed over for the night... "

"Not at all" He let go of the warm hug and finally sat on the couch. I got up and sat down next to him looking down.

"So... you said you wanted to talk?"

"Oh! Uh... yeah... I wanted to tell you something"

"So... What is it?"

"I... I love you" 

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