My little Hickey ♛

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Farrah's POV

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Farrah's POV

Rocki and I were in the kitchen, watching Jackson and his friends play hokey with an Oreo, on the kitchen table.

"What's he gonna do? Juking the defenders. He lines the Oreo up, he goes. He shoots and he scores!" Jackson yells, shooting the Oreo in his friends mouth

"This is why women date older men." Rocki said

I high fived her, when Dj walked in, "Oh, hello teens I don't know, and yet, are eating all my food."

"Wow. You're like a sexy mom in a tuna fish commercial." One of Jackson's friends said.

"I like this one." Dj smiled

Jackson introduced his friends to Dj, before the guys went upstairs to "study"

"They seem like nice boys." Dj said, about to leave once she heard the doorbell ring.

"They're idiots." I argued

"Yeah, they are." Dj agreed, walking out.

Rocki and I grabbed our stuff, and made our way upstairs to study with the other boys.

They all sat around the room, while I took the time to quiz them, "Ok, people. So why was Abraham Lincoln important?" 

"Didn't Lincoln invent that job website?" One of Jackson's friends asked

"That's LinkedIn." I groaned

"Alright look dum-dums. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President. He freed the slaves and was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth." Rocki said

"That's perfect, Rocki." I smiled

"None of that sounds right." Jackson's friend argued

"Nah." All the boys agreed, refusing to take the time to study

"Hey! Why are you sitting on my unicorn?" Max asked Nugs, walking into the room, "And why are you petting my dog? Come on, Cosmo."

Cosmo didn't budge, and all the boys laughed.

"What did you do to Cosmo?" Max asked

"I changed his name. Come here, Derek." Jackson's red head friend said, watching the dog get up from his spot

"You changed my dog's name?" Max asked

"He told me his real name is Derek." The boy smirked

"Mom! Mom!" Max yelled

"What now Max? Fernando's loose in the house." Dj groaned, making her way in

"Jackson's goon sqaud sat on my unicorn and renamed my dog. Make them leave." Max sighed

"You can't kick us out. We're the Sick Pack." Jackson argued

"Why are you the six pack? There's only four of you." I asked

"You want to know why? So, we can do this." Jackson said, as the did some stupid soda hand shake

"Aww. That was kind of cute." Dj smiled

"It was totally lame." Rocki said

"Yeah, it really was." Dj and I agreed, simultaneously

"Ok, everybody out. We're trying to study." Jackson said

"Yeah, listen to Jackson. He's our study group captain." Nug agreed

"He's super brain strong. We call him "the professor." Red Head said

"I'm literally the only one here not in summer school." I argued

"Really? You call my Jackson "the professor"? Dj asked

"I'm sure they're using it ironically." Max insisted

"I don't know what ironically means. But you know who would? The professor." Red
head said

Jackson nodded and tapped his head.

"He already got a D-minus. With any luck, he'll help us get a D-minus, too." Nug smiled

"Stick with me. It'll happen." Jackson promised

"Jackson is a natural born leader." His small friend said

"What movie is that from?" Dj asked

"It's not from a movie. It's from my heart." The small one continued

"Jackson, why don't you and the guys order some pizzas? On me." Dj suggested

"Awesome, Mom, thanks." Jackson said, as we all made our way downstairs


"Did you hear Popko gave Ramona a hickey?" I asked Jackson, as we cleaned up the mess the study group left

"No way? Lola would barely let me kiss her." He sighed

"Well good thing that's over." I laughed, without realizing how it might have sounded

"What?" He asked

"I mean because now I get to spend more time with you..." I lied, hoping he'd believe me

"Cool." He nodded, "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Caddy shack?" We both said at the same time


I added a scene so the chapter would be longer. Also how do you guys like Rocki and Farrah's friendship? Also when do you think Jackson and Farrah will get together because I have it all planned out.

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