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(Mike Luss)

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(Mike Luss)

Emma stood before her boss's son, watching him as he puffs out his burning cigarette. His dark eyes strained on her, watching her closely as if afraid she might make a bolt for the door if he does as much as take his eyes off her.

"Sit." he motioned to the sofa across from him as he took the cigarette and crushed the fire off. Discarding the cigarette, he glanced back up to see she hadn't done as she was told. "Sit I said." his voice hard from anger, yet the maid didn't comply. What had come over her??. Chris stood up with the intention of dragging her arse down the sofa but paused as the maid began to mutter a word.

"I'm not going to continue having s*x with you, sir."

Chris eyebrows shot up in surprise. "S*x?" he chuckled, shaking his head like he hadn't heard her right. "I hadn't called you here for s*x. At least not this early morning when Heather can walk in at any moment." he pointed at the sofa once again. "Sit," Chris vowed this was going to be the last chance he's giving to her. And if she did declined again, he really was going to spank her. Real hard. But luckily for the blue-eyed maid, she compiled like she had read his inner threat. After she had settled, he went over to his drawer and brought out a pills handing it to the wide-eyed maid. "Take this."

"What's that?" she eyed the pills in his hand without reaching for it. For all she knows it's might be poison.

"Birth control pills." He frowned as the maid let out a soft laugh. "What's funny?"

Trying her hardest to suppress her laugh, Emma stared up at him then. Her heart sinking in misery. Idiot!. It's was definitely too late for that. Her baby, Blue, had been bred, carried, and given birth too. That's pills his offering doesn't mean a thing to her. Except of course he decided to continue from where they had left off. Which she wouldn't allow this time around. It's hard enough taking care of Blue, another one on the way would be to much bundle for her to handle. Alone.

Getting no reply from her whatsoever, only that distance look from her made Chris more pissed. "What's funny, Emma?" good, he certainly remembered her name. But he hadn't known her to be this disrespectful, and...and—he paused taking her body whole in for the first time she had graced his presence. How could he not noticed she had gotten more curvy and beautiful in the right places?. Guessed he was too engrossed in his cigarette to take the rest of her in full well.

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