Chapter 25

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The number 25 tho..

Itzamary P.O.V

I've been calling Gabbie and she doesn't answer. How could Jorge have done that to her, then again.. UGH! She needs to answer her phone. I pace back and forth in Cameron's room when it hits me. I'm leaving tonight, I have classes tomorrow morning. Fear creeps up my mind as I think of being away from Cameron, I'm going to miss him so much. Why didn't I apply to UCLA? I sit on the bed and I'm trying so hard not to cry. My Cameron, and I hear someone come in so I put on my best smile.

"Hey, I called Gilinsky and he said Gabbie fell asleep and that as soon as she wakes up he will bring her over and that he'll take good care of her.." I look up and meet Cameron's gentle brown eyes. I stare at him and I can feel myself falling more in love.. I'm in love already, only he doesn't know but I love him before I knew him, I love Cameron Dallas the viner, now I love Cameron my boyfriend. He can't know because it's to soon for that.

"Are you okay? " Cameron says pouting a bit. I smile at him and grab his hand.

"Cam, we only have a few hours left before I go back to Davis" his eyes just lost his glow and my heart breaks a little more. " And I want to do something with you and only you. Let's go do something, let's just spend this few hours together.. we can do whatever.." I look at Cam's face and he gave me a small smile.

" I was actually going to suggest you that, great minds think alike." Then he gave me a real smile. I smile back and sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck as he holds my waist.

"So my Princess what would you like to do?" hmmm that's a good question.

"Anything as long as I'm with you, that would just be perfect. " I can see Cameron thinking hard about this decision when he gets a wide smile.

"I know where!" he says pushing me off his lap and grabbing my hand and running out the door. Woah what's going on..

"Please don't ask questions!" and we were out the door.

Matthew P.O.V

I was just here sitting on the couch chilling with Nash and Johnson when we see Cameron and.. Umm Mary? No ITZAmary.. ha her name, run out the door. I turn to see Nash and I lift my eyebrows at him.

"What was that all about?" Johnson says giving us the wtf face. Nash shrugs and looks rather confused.

"Maybe they went to have sex somewhere less private.. I mean maybe Cameron is being sweet and doesn't want anyone else to hear her scream his name." I say as serious as I can, when Nash and Johnson both stare at me and I can't no longer hold it in. I start laughing and the guys join in.

"Yeah right, Cameron is so pure he wouldn't do that." and with that we watch the rest of the movie.

Cameron P.O.V

As I drive around with Itzamary with the windows down and the music blaring. I told her I give her a tour or LA and that's the start of it. As we cruised for about 20 minutes I started to make my way to the beach. I steal glances at itzamary and she looks completely amazing. The wind is blowing her hair back and she is singing along to a Demi Lovato song and she has her hand sticking out of the window doing small waves. She looks free, careless and ready for any challenge. How lucky was I to get a girl like her?  She's beautiful, smart and she so caring. I've known her so little but she's already the best I've had and hopefully this goes far and I can tell my fans about her. They will love her.. I mean she is a fan so they should be happy for her. My princess Itzamary.

"Are we heading towards the beach?" she says as excitement went through her. I nodded and she gave me a breath taking smile.

"I have a challenge for you, hopefully you're up for it." I say in a challenging tone giving her a smirk and she gives me the bring it on face. This will be intersting.

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