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•Elsa's POV•

Me and Anna skate merrily in the courtyard, greeting villagers as we glide. Anna looks at me and smiles. "I'm glad we keep the gates open!" She says excitedly.

I gently grin back at her. "I am too, Anna." We link arms and do a figure eight, giggling the whole time.

"Hey," Anna says, plopping on to the edge of a fountain. "You never did tell me why you shut me out all those years."

I remember when I hit her in the head as a child, then gaze at my cold hands and shiver a little. "I-It's complicated." I tell her. "I'm gonna go inside, I'm cold."

Anna stands up and grabs my forearm. "But you said the cold never bothered y-"

"I'm going inside!" I shout, creating a sheer ice spike beneath me.

Anna stares at me with tears in her blue eyes. "Okay, bye." She skates away in sadness and frustration, mumbling things to herself.

I go inside the castle and look at my hands once again. "I am not evil. I am not evil. I am not evil."

I am not evil.

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