Chapter 45

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Merry Christmas, my lovelies!
I thought that I'd give you an update as my Christmas present to all of you. Please stay safe and appreciate all that you have today. All my love :)



I ran down the hallway with adrenaline fuelling my swift movements. My eyes were already burning with tears but I had no care in the world. The maids that I passed had wide eyes as they watched me run but I blocked the image of their faces out of my head and targeted the main entrance.

Leon was standing infront of the desk and staring at me with emotionless eyes.

Emotionless because of the amount of emotion... so much that he couldn't even show all of it.

"Leon..." My voice was heavy with my breathing and I noticed how my throat cracked my words.

Please say that I wasn't dreaming.
Please say that I wasn't dreaming.
Please say that I wasn't dreaming.

He didn't speak a single word. His eyes were glued to mine – locked dangerously and cautiously at the same time.

I slowly walked closer to him and that's when I noticed the envelope in his hand. My heart told me to leap forward and grab whatever was in that envelope but my head told me otherwise.

What if it was Antonio, playing with us?

I couldn't take the heartache if I was led on thinking that he was still alive, to have my hopes crashing back down. "Have you seen it?" I asked Leon with my eyes blinking back the tiny tears that were unshed.

He shook his head but words failed to escape his parted lips.

"Let me... please." I begged him, with my quivering hands reaching out for the envelope.

He was hesitating.

He didn't want to break my heart even more – but I wanted this.

I wanted to know whether my love was still alive. The thought of leaving the envelope and having the possibility clawing at my consciousness was too much for my head to handle. My whole body ached to know.

"Leon, please," I begged with my voice desperate with need.

"What if it's not really him?" Leon spoke back with his breathing heavy. Both of our hearts were pounding and thundering relentlessly; I could hear mine in my own ears.

I looked at him for a few moments with my eyebrows knitted, before finally speaking. "I still want to know."

Leon slowly offered the envelope and for one moment I hesitated taking it.

But eventually I just snatched it from his hand. He flinched and pressed his lips together as I slowly opened it. My heart was leaping from my chest practically – and my throat was blocked up with anxiety.


The flimsy paper in the envelope balanced between my fingers as I pulled it carefully from its hold.

Leon was watching me with narrowed eyes. The nervousness in his state was clearer than anything. "It's meant for me, Eva... maybe-"

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