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"Where have you been?!" The seemingly paralyzed man said.

Mr.D rolled his eyes, "Why would it matter? Perhansen has been gone for only a pint of time compared to our game Chiron!" He said it in a way you'd highly want to not disagree as he'd make you regret it... extremely.

"I...I've been here. There. Everywhere. If that makes since. Your the one who told me I should take a break."

"Take a break. Not a six month vacation!" He sounded as if for every second I'd been gone it filled him with sadness mixed with anger.

I looked at him sternly. He seemed taken aback from my sudden attitude which I rarely use.

I stormed out of the farm like house.

I was upset, you know.

I come back and all I get is being yelled at.
I mean I understand, I've been gone for awhile, I would miss me too, but still that's no need for the yelling.

I walked to the sword range to let off some steam. Seeing as though lessons for training weren't going on right now, I practiced with the dummies. And no, I don't mean I practiced with myself. How dare you even think that!

I slashed away at the dummies occasionally making a few dents in the reinforced metal. Years ago we exchanged the fabric ones to metal, they get ruined a lot less.

After a half hour Nico showed up at the range and started fighting with me.

It wasn't a serious fight so we only really just played around.

A few graceful flips like a bird flying through the air.
A few slashes of our swords like an upbeat waltz.

This was the occasion which I felt most relaxed; battle.

Something about the rhythm of it. Parry left, role right, always watch your back.

I just I don't know, it just gets me going. I feel like a hundred thousand bees are after me, but I know I can outrun them, I can outrun them.

We battled back and forth until the dinner horn sounded.

You could see the camp grounds slowly emptying. Everyone running to get a decent place in line.

I wasn't to worried about it. I know I'll be pushed to the front anyway.

Nico and I walked up to the pavilion. We didn't talk at all, but we didn't need to.

When we'd finally made it to the hall, the line was pretty much nonexistent now.

We only had to wait a few minutes before grabbing our dinner and then throwing some into the flame.

Nico soundlessly walked off, giving me a pat on the arm to let me know he was going off, probably to sit by Will.

I stalked to my lonesome table where of course me being the only child of Poseidon sat.

I heard people converse about the new gossip. I've never really been into it. I've had enough of it in my life.

I'll probably leave again the day after tomorrow, find another place to ruin.

I escaped the dinner hall and stalked off to my cabin. It was soundless and lonely much like my cabin at Montauk used to be.

I plopped onto my bed making the wood creak slightly. I looked over at the empty bed where I wished Tyson was. He was most likely at the forge working for Father.

I layer on my bed until I fell into a dream? Nightmare? Who knows anymore.

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