Episode 50: Choices and Choices Part Two

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Rachael turned around and saw Josh running through the airport towards her. Josh jumped over every obstacle in his path and then landed on Rachael's bag, trying to catch his breath.

"What are you doing?" Rachael asked him, surprised he had shown up. She looked to see if there was a sign of any of her other friends, but she couldn't see anybody except Josh. 

"Stopping you," Josh said and then stood back up, "You shouldn't go to New York, stay here."

"I'm not leaving permanently," Rachael spoke, "I'm just touring."

"You know if you tour, you're going to want to stay," Josh told her.

"That might be true," Rachael admitted, "But what would I be staying for? A life full of drama?" She paused, "You?"

"Exactly," Josh replied, "I'm sorry about the Freya thing, but I think if you spoke to her, you'd see she's really reformed-"

"Shut up!" Rachel yelled, "You think talking up Freya is going to make me want to stay?"

"I'm not..." Josh sighed, "I'm just letting you know I was only talking to her because I think she has the potential to make up for her mistakes. I should've let you know what I was doing, but I was afraid you would react like this."

"You were right," Rachael said and then looked behind her where the airport worker was waiting to close the tunnel door impatiently. "I have to do this Josh, I'm sorry." She turned around and walked into the tunnel.

"Rachael wait," Josh yelled again.

"This isn't an episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Josh," Rachael didn't turn around.

"But.." Josh paused, "I love you!"

Rachael stopped for a second, but still didn't even look over her shoulder, just continued down the tunnel. The airport worker gave Josh a sympathetic look before shutting the door. Josh trudged over to the window and watched as the plane took off.

Wild, Wild, Wild, Wild, Wild, WildThots.

KSI, Wroetoshaw, Vikkstar123, Simon, Zerkaa, Ethan, and Tobi.

SideThots with Anusha, Dylan, Veronica, Liz, Rachael, Aggie, Simon, Vik, Josh, Tobi, Ethan, Harry, and Lewis.

Season Two Episode Twenty-Five: Choices and Choices Part Two

Anusha stepped out of the plane and took a giant breath. "Don't you just love that Florida air?" She asked as Tobi had to lug her bags behind her. 

"It smells like shit," He commented and then rolled her bag over to her, "And we're still inside the tunnel."

"Yeah, Anusha," Dylan said and looked behind them where other passengers were building up behind them. "You're kind of holding up the line."

"Excuse me for wanting to appreciate my surroundings," Anusha said sassily and grabbed her bags from Tobi. 

"There is no surroundings," Simon commented and walked past.

"Watch it, Minter," Anusha muttered.

They got an uber to the school and waited outside for a tour guide to meet them. 

"Do you think we're jerks?" Vik asked nervously, "Leaving to Florida without solving our romantic baggage?"

"If we're jerks then Veronica and Liz are bitches," Simon shrugged, "They left while we were in the middle of solving everything."

"To be fair," Vik said, "That room was very hazardous."

"I just can't believe we left in the middle of the last week of Junior year," Dylan said, "Or how we got the money to buy Florida plane tickets."

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