48: Present

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Part 2 of the Christmas special!

Twas the night before Christmas on a cold snowy night,
A girl lay in her bed doused in moonlight,
She dreamt of spirits and traveling through time,
Not knowing that bells might wake her up with a chime.

As the young woman (______) peacefully slept, a spirit of Christmas floated in through her walls into the room she lay in. The bells on the spirits dress rang through the room waking up a particular basset hound dog. Yasmin growled at the woman but she calmed down after (______) started waking up. "Yaz, stop growling there is nothing here!" (_____) muttered in her sleep. The spirit of Christmas grabbed a bell that hung from her pink dress and it grew 2 times bigger.

"Wake up my darling (_____)!" A voice says ringing a bell in my ears. "What?" I groan opening my eyes and sitting up. In front of me is a woman about a foot taller than me, maybe half a foot. She had wavy milk chocolate hair and dazzling emerald green eyes. She wore a pink almost purple dress that fell over her feet. "And who the heck are you!" I snap, the tiredness taking over. "I am the spirit of Christmas present. And I'm here to show you something." The woman takes my hand and pulls me into a green portal filled with holly and bells.

We soon arrive on the side of a street in front of a orphanage. "Hello everyone!" I hear a familiar voice. I turn around to see my co worker and friend Izzy walk up to a bunch of kids a bag slung over her shoulder. She is dressed in a fluffy dress with green and red and white. Her ginger hair is covered in a red santa hat and the ends of her sleeves are little ruffles of pearl white fluff. "IZZY!!" All the kids shout together. The kids all start individually hugging izzy and then go into one massive group hug. "And where is trinity?" Izzy asks. A girl with black hair and dark skin rolls up to izzy smiling in a wheelchair . "Hey Trinity!" Izzy beams hugging the girl. "Hello izzy! Did you bring our costumes?" Trinity asks. "Yep! Here they are, made by my own two hands. I'm not only good for baking!" Izzy laughs handing each boy and girl a Christmassy decorated dress or jumper. She then hands trinity a pale blue dress decorated in white snowflakes and icicles with white fluff around the wrists, neck and knees of the dress. "Thank you!" Trinity smiles taking the dress. "Your welcome."

Izzy smiles at the children as they each go onto the makeshift stage and show off their outfits. "So this is what izzy does after work!" I exclaim to the spirit. "Yep! She come here everyday and stays with the children and they do things together. Every holiday whether it be Easter, Halloween or Christmas the children do things like this for people that walk by to raise money for the orphanage." The spirit explains as the children start to sing carols to men and woman walking past.

"Can we go!" I say to the spirit after a few hours of listening to the carols. "Why we are having so much fun!" The spirit sings bopping along to the music from the children. "Yes!can we go!" I say more frustrated. "Oh sure." The spirit waves her small wand and we walk back into the green coloured portal.

Sooner or later we end up not in my bedroom but back at my bakery. In the back room there is a big open floor with stairs leading up to the main bakery. "This isnt my bedroom!" I stomp my foot in frustration. "Oh I'm sorry you said you wanted to go! You gotta be more specific next time!" The spirit of Christmas present laughs. Katie, Kasey, Harold, and Timothy, my baking crew, all were setting up the room for Christmas.

"Who takes Christmas away from other people!" Harold asks skating around the room on his roller skates. "Well are you still gonna ask her?" Katie asks Timothy. Timothy blushes and fiddles with his hands. "Oh come on Izzy adores you. Ask her out!" Kasey coos. Harold laughs and looks to the people. "Hey guys watch!" He takes a few eggs from a carton sitting on a bench and picks them up. He skates around then throws them at a picture of me on the wall.

"Varian isnt going to like you doing that! We all know that he likes (____) soo..." Kasey says but before she could finish Varian appears on top of the stairs and looks to harold. He looks at the eggs in harolds hands then the picture of me that sat up on the wall. Varian shook his head lightly and had a disappointment plastered on his face. "There see! Someone respects me! You tell 'em varian!" I chanted walking over to the people that couldnt see me. Varian grabs an egg out of Harold's hand and walks back a little bit. Everyone's head are hung but varian turns around and throws the egg. It lands righy on my face and everyone cheers. "Hahaha! You got her!" Timothy cheers. They all laugh together and start decorating for Christmas. "When I see you next varian You. Are. Fired!" I yell at the boy cheering in front of me. "Let's go dear!" The spirit say grabbing my hand before I have a temper tantrum.

We jump into the green portal once more and jump out back in my room where we started. "Ah now I can go to bed and hopefully get rid of all these nightmares!" I express walking to my bed where yasmin lay. "I'm a nightmare to you? that's selfish to say!" The spirit asks a bit hurt. "Well you know what my aunt Harley said?" I ask the spirit of the present. "In a world full of people, Only the selfish ones succeed!" I spit in a pissy tone at the spirit before plopping into my bed and dozing off.

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