¡ a note ¡

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I'm not a very talented writer, barely even deserving of the title "poet" for I consider most of my works to be the worst ever creations of literature. On the other hand, I do take immense joy in writing and I'd like to share some of my works here, however horribly written they might be.

You must forgive me for the grammatical or typographical errors you will probably encounter as you read this poem compilation of mine. I don't know if I'm going to post a lot, but I already have a few poems in mind that are related to the theme of this book, so I guess we're settled for the meantime.

By the way, I'm totally open for any requests you guys might have. As you are well aware, I'm only going to be writing poems about mythology and some magic. Perhaps some fairytales too. That would be nice...

Anyroad! I do hope I won't be dealing with any plagiarizers here. I've had a few encounters with some of those before (nasty lot, those plagiarizers) and I don't wish for a repeat experience. I'm afraid I'm quite disagreeable when angry and cheated.

So yeah, please ask me for permission first and/or make sure to credit me if you want to post my works on another platform. The username ain't that hard to remember. LADYINBURGUNDY. It lacks creativity, but I have too little time on my hands to think up an excessively witty and impressive username. Sue me.

I reckon this is getting a bit long, so I'm going to end this here.

Happy reading!

¡ mmdg ¡

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