Chapter 76

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~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~

I feel like I'm going to disappoint everyone. Last night my mom wanted to talk about marriage and kids. She said that taking care of another individual was going to be hard and so on. I love my mom but when she said she wanted a grandchild in her arms real soon, I lost my confidence. I lost my first ever child and that has damaged my future. I can't even live with myself now. I want to talk to Ross about this but everytime I see him, my mind goes blank. My mom claims she is getting way too old and wants to see my future. She wants to hold her grandchild before she passes. I cried myself to sleep last night. I could've been with him instead of having to deal with all that pressure. I know I can pop out a child, but  I have to believe in myself. I heard the door open. I looked up to see Ross standing there. I shot up and hugged him. He hugged back. "Woah! What's wrong?" He chuckled. I just embrace him. I don't ever want to let him go. "Laur?" He called out. I took him to the couch. I sat on his lap and buried my head in his chest. "Baby tell me what's wrong?" He says stroking my head.

~~~~~~~~~Ross' P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~

I just rubbed her back and hope she tells me. I then felt something soak into my shirt. Tears. She was crying. "Laur?" I call out and pull her head out of my chest. I look into her teary eyes. "Baby? Don't cry. What's wrong?" I ask. She shakes her head and breathes. "I'm a disappointment to everybody." She crys out. "What!!? No your not!!" I say. "Yes I am. I can't make anybody happy." She says while her tears poured. "You make me happy. Your not a disappointment." I say. "I can't make you happy. You deserve better." She says. Not this again. "You are perfect for me. If anything you deserve better. You make me happy. I won't be if your not." I tell her. She smiles slightly. "You mean it?" She asks. I wipe her tears. "Every word. I wouldn't be getting married to you if I felt the opposite would I?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Now put on that beautiful smile I enjoy so much and go make our day something special." I smile. She blushes and smiles. "There it is!!" I tease. She hides her face. "Aww. I love you." I say. She brings her face back out for me. "I love you too." She says and smashes our lips together. I kiss her back. She smiles into it. My phone buzzes. "Band Rehearsal! Band Rehearsal!" It rang. I pull away and she pouts. "Why?" She says. "Sorry." I say. She brings her lips to mine once again. I smile. I lay her down on the couch and crawl on top of her. I deepen our kiss and put my tongue in her mouth. She puts her hand through my hair. We battle for dominance. "Band Rehearsal!! Band Rehearsal!!" My phone called. She pulls away. "You should go. We can finish this later." She winks. I smile and get off her. "Call me the moment your free." I say. She blushes. "Okay I will." She says. I peck her lips. "I love you." I say. "I love you too now go rock out!" She puts her hands up making the rock out sign. I laugh and peck her lips once more. I then leave.

~~~~~~~~Laura's P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~

Ross wait!! I've been meaning to tell you, we may not have kids. Should of said it when he was here. I sadly get up and  leave the cabin also.

"How's these?" My mom asks. I look at the flowers. "They are nice but I want the best." I tell her. She nods. Vaness and Raini walk over. "So did you talk to Ross about it?" They ask. Rydel joins our conversation. "About what?" She asks. I look down while Vanessa whispers it in her ear. "WHAT!!!??" She shouts. Everyone looks towards us. "Nothing to see!! Keep doing your jobs." She smiles. I shake my head. "Why not?" They ask. "Because I didn't want him to leave me or think bad of me. I love him to pieces. Don't say anything to him Delly please." I say. "I won't. How did it happen?" She asks. "Cody killed our first child. My body was effected majorly. I just don't have the courage to tell him. Everytime he sees me a smile is on his face, I wouldn't want to ruin it." I look down. "Really?" She asks. "Yes. Now parents so don't say anything". I point out. They nod and look at our moms."Hey girls! What's going on?" They ask. "Nothing." We all say in unsion. "Then get back to work!!" My mom orders. We roll our eyes and continue. Stormie stops me. "Are you okay?" She asks. I hug her. She hugs back. "Never better." I smile.


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