1: "How To Love"

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"I love you." Those three words slipped out of Kenneth's mouth like simple conversation. "How should I feel? What should I say? How do I take it?" Samuel's mind wandered as he stared at his partner in shock. "I love you Sam.. don't you love me too?" Sam was confused and shocked and he worked up the courage to say.. "I..I don't know how to love Ken.." Ken's face was hurt. "What? As long as you and I have been together and you don't know how to love?" He asked him. "Love is a strong word Kenneth.. and most say that it is scary and I feel like losing you is a very scary thing.. but I just don't know what love is. I've never been in it." Samuel has put love into serious thought throughout him and Ken's relationship. He has always wanted to say it but hasn't had a definite meaning of it. "As long as you and I are together Samuel , you will learn how to love my babyboy." Sam put it into long thought.. was he ready to learn how to love? Was he ready to risk his heart for another? "I'm ready Kenneth..don't make me regret this." "I love you Sam." "I love you too Ken." <3

Hey hey its Stephon! Uhm I have given this book a lot of thought and throughout my days I have had numerous thoughts about writing short stories so that is what this book is going to be based on. A big book filled with my short stories or whatever you want to base it as. Also , side note , I will be accepting topics for the short stories that I do write in this book and of course giving everyone credit that gives the topics. Lots of love to my followers and fans.

~This story is written by me , topic and all. Title given by my best friend Cailyn. her instagram is @sensational.cai and her snapchat is @caiihendrixx.~

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