Chapter 13 - The Whyte Wyrm

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I woke up, got ready and walked to school in a haze. Today was the day. The day I met the serpents.

I had asked around a week ago and Jughead agreed to take me to the 'wyrm' which was apparently the serpent hangout.

The plan was to go to school and attend the first three lessons, then leave. The only reason I was leaving school early was that I had no more lessons after we set off. In short, I would never skip lessons and Jughead would.

I didn't care much about 'skipping' because my mother was still away for another 5 days.

Besides, it was only two lessons. Right?


After sitting impatiently through lessons 1-3 I met Jug in front of the school as people ate their lunch. We walked out of school grounds casually and started walking to someplace new.


As we strolled, hand in hand, into the Whyte Wyrm, I examined the dark bar.

While I walked in through the main door, to my right I saw a bar counter with beer dispensers and fridges. The paint from the desk had been chipped over time and it complimented the whole room.

To my left I saw three booths, much like the ones at pops but in black and red. The paint was also chipped on the tables and the sofas had funny looking scratches on them.

In front of me was a space then further back was a pool table, surprisingly clean. All around the pool table were several small round tables with varied amounts of rickety, wooden chairs around them.

Hanging from the burgundy painted walls were only a few wall lights that were dimly lit. Scattered around were also some paintings I cared not enough about to pay attention to.

Finally, as I looked around the darkly lit room, I realised that this bar was barren, nobody was here. I panicked.

"Um." Was all I could think to say in the moment.

"Everyone else is still in school or at home, they'll be here later. We've got some time to kill."

"K." I said, hesitantly.

"Yeah, it's a bit of a dump, but it's our home."

"No. No. I like it. There something very.. serpent-y about it."

I meant it.

"Then what is it?"

"Nothing. I trust you. I just. I was worried because nobody was here."


"Not your fault."


Jughead walked me over to the bar and I sat on a bar stool while he poured me and himself a drink. Non-alcoholic.

We talked for awhile until Jughead suggested that we play pool. I tried to talk him out of it because I was incapable of playing anything on a table.

"Table football, Table Tennis, Snooker, Pool. You name it, I can't do it." I said.

"I'll teach you." He replied.

So Jug tried hard to help me learn but it was no help. I was, well, helpless.


After a long 'game' of pool (a.k.a. Jughead potting all the balls and me watching) we sat down in one side of one of the booths so we could sit next to each other.

After we had talked about the serpents for awhile of flirting and conversation I leaned my head in closer to his to find him doing the same.

Now I was grateful, that nobody was here yet. I didn't want people watching what I hoped was about to happen.

I looked up from the floor to see Jughead gazing into my eyes. In return, I gazed into his. They were so beautiful, his eyes. They glimmered in the dim light. A beautiful blue.

Our foreheads made contact and mine rested on his. I smiled as I leaned in even closer until...

"Get in there! Jones, you finally got yourself a girl! I'm proud!"

I quickly turned my head away from Jughead and faced away so he and the intruder wouldn't see me blushing.

I got caught nearly kissing my boyfriend. Just the idea of that made me blush like hell. I was still upset that we didn't actually kiss though.



So um sorry this is so late, Christmas.

I kinda like this chapter but then I also kinda don't. Some of it is good I think, but some of it is just sloppy.

I like how it ended I guess hehe.

Stay tuned!

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