Chapter One

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I sigh as I hear Jin barrel down the hall towards my room. You see he does this whenever his friends are coming over because "I'm not strong enough to meet them yet." You see, our whole family is either vampires, fairies, witches, or shape shifters. Jin luckily got the vampire genes while I unfortunately am a fucking shape shifter witch hybrid that no one in our family knows how to react to because I am the first. Being a witch and shape shifter means I have to build up some of my powers (the typical witch ones) and control others (the fucking shape shifter shit.) Since I am not strong enough yet that means I cannot be around my brothers friends because they are all way stronger than me and can crush me in a second. Jin knocks on my door and I grab my bag that has clothes in it before I open the door.
"Whose house this time oppa?" I ask and he smiles at me. He ruffles my hair and throws his arm around me as he walks me down the stairs.

"You're learning. You have to go to grandma's house, and you have to go quickly because my friends will be here soon." Jin says and I head toward the door. Unfortunately before I can leave both of us hear heavy knocks on the door.
"Come in!" I yell without even thinking. Suddenly six rambunctious boys enter the house and Jin steps in front of me. Unfortunately it's too late, they have already smelled me.

"Why is her scent stronger this time Jin hyung?" A tall one asks and another one chuckles.
"She didn't get out in time for she?" Another, deeper voice says and let's out a low chuckle.
"May I add she smells delectable." A third voice, higher than the other two says and I feel Jin back up into me a little farther.
"Jin, it's to late we can all hear and smell her, just let us meet this once and then she can go wherever you force her to go when we come over." A voice that seems to have more authority over the others says.
"Fine, but if any of you touch her and she feels threatened I will not hesitate to rip your throat out through you ass. Got it?" Jin yells and then I assume the others nodded because he moves out from in front of me. The others look at me in awe.
"You didn't tell us she was pretty hyung." One of the boys manages to say while the rest just stare.
"You have three minutes to introduce yourselves and ask her some questions." Jin says and all of the boys break their gaze from me.
"We'll, I'll guess I'll start. Hi, I'm Jungkook, I'm an elf, and I'm the youngest of us boys. An elf is-" Jungkook starts but I cut him off.
"A pointy eared creature who excels in magic and archery? You guys don't have to tell me what you are I can smell you, ya know? And if I don't know or I don't know what you do I'll ask okay?" I say and all of the boys jaws dropped and they all nod.
"Oops, I forgot to tell you guys she has a temper and that you probably have zero idea what she is based on her scent.... well, I'm sure she'll probably tell you." Jin says and I chuckle.
"Okay, I'm Namjoon the leader and I am the fourth oldest but also the fourth youngest." Namjoon says and I chuckle.
"Ah, you are a werewolf. Man by day wolf by night." I say and he nods.
"I am Taehyung and I and the second youngest." Taehyung says and I walk over to him I take his hand and place his palm on mine before I look directly into his eyes.
"Just as I thought, you sir are a shape shifter." I say and he chuckles.
"You're good." He says and I roll my eyes before I return to Jin's side.
"Hi, I'm Hoseok and I and the third oldest." He says and I immediately smile.
"You are a hobgoblin aren't you?" I ask and he smiles.
"You are good. How did you guess?" He asks and I chuckle.
"Your scent is strong, and your aura is as well. Your mischevious and mysterious" I say and look to the shortest boy.
"Hey, I'm Jimin. I am the third youngest." Jimin says and I tilt my head back and forth a few times.
"Are you an angel?" I ask and he nods slightly. I cook my tongue a few times and count on my fingers.
"That's only five, where is the last one?" I ask and then I feel a presence behind me.
"Oh, another vampire." I say and then turn around. I look him in the eyes and get lost.
"Hey, I'm Yoongi, and I'm second oldest." He says and I can't help but reach for his hand. When I grab it the air around us starts to glow.
"Holy shit. Yoongi hyung just found his soul mate." Jungkook says and I let go of his hand and look away.
"Hi, I'm Y/N and I am a shape shifter witch hybrid." I say in a mumble and all of the boys gasp.
"You are like one in a million." Jimin says and then I turn to Jin.
"Can we talk, in my room?" I ask and he nods, knowing that the only reason I asked to talk in my room is because then the boys wouldn't be able to hear unless they were within ten feet of the door. We walk up the stairs and enter my room before I close the door and sit on my bed, Jin pulling a chair up beside it and sitting down as well.
"Can I change my soulmate?" I ask and Jin shakes his head.
"No, no you cannot. Unfortunately you can't ignore it either, even though you are six years younger than him." Jin says and I smile slightly.
"Well, that's okay... but is he always that cold?" I ask and Jin sighs.
"He is until he cares about you, and knowing him he is going to care about you fairly quickly. I mean did you see how he looked at you just now?" Jin asks and I shake my head.
"Well, it was full of love and for the very first time ever, compassion." Jin says and I sigh.

"Let's go back down I guess." I say and we return downstairs.
"Hyung, since Yoongi and Y/N Are soul mates does that mean that she gets to hang around us now?" Taehyung asks and Jin looks at me and then back at the boys.
"I guess she could sometimes." Jin says and the younger three do a small victory dance.
"Hyung, does anyone have a noona now?" Hoseok asks with a sly smile and Jin smiles right back.
"Nope, actually she is a year younger than Kookie." Jin says and Jungkook does another small victory dance. I look at Yoongi and he smiles at me letting his little fangs hang out. My heart instantly melts and I smile back before approaching him.
"Well, do you want my number or not?" I ask and a deep chuckle resonates from his soul or something. He gives me a gummy smile and hands me his phone before grabbing mine and we put eachothers names in.
"We'll, since I am going to be hanging around more often I might as well unpack my overnight bag and then we can play twenty questions." I say and head upstairs to my room.

Surprise, I am going to have another book, with inconsistent uploads but I really needed to put this up before I lost inspiration for it. Bye. 😴🤓

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