Ch 13. The One with the Car.

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The echo of footsteps rung through the seemingly empty warehouse. An alignment of cars occupying the sides. The man came to a stop, his right hand man by his side.

The two of them looked at the bright Red Ferrari sports car next to them. One of their men seemingly completing a paint job on the side door. Except it looked more of a mess than a fix.

"Hey What are you guys doing here?" Jinhwan asks, seizing his painting on the car door.

"Didn't we tell you today was the day?" Hanbin answers lowly.

"I came on my own. I was afraid you wouldn't bring me." Jinhwan says. "I just want to help. I've spent my years fixing cars. I'm sure I can put my skills to use."

"I've gotta say Jinhwan, you sure out did yourself." Hanbin crouches to his level. "But think about the cars you've fixed, and now look at this car."

"Damn it Jinhwan, always fucking shit up." June grunts.

The fact is the three of them would be in some deep shit because of Jinhwan's mistake. They were already on thin ice when it came to it's owner.

They owed her money, and lots of it. When they couldn't pay it up the first time they got a hold of one of their men. She threatened to hold him until they paid up.

Why they owed her money? Well one of them had scratched her car.

"If she finds out about this—"

Speak of the devil.

The loud engine of a different sports car raged as it pulled into the warehouse. A matte black Lamborghini, with tinted windows and silver shining spurs on it's wheels. You couldn't see the driver, but they knew exactly who it was.

Another car pulled up behind it, this time a red Audi with clear windows

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Another car pulled up behind it, this time a red Audi with clear windows.

The slam of the car door steals their attention. They turn to see Kim Jisoo stepping out of the car. Sleek silver hair falling over her shoulders, black shades, tan Burberry coat hanging off her shoulders. Her Louis Vuitton heels click on the cold ground as she steps out.

"You're early." Jisoo smiles sweetly at the trio. Grabbing the megaphone near by She flips it on. "Everybody wake up! You didn't even notice we have guests!"

Soon enough a few doors on the second floor start to open revealing more members of her clan. They tiredly rub their eyes and yawn.


"Huh? What's happening?"

"It's morning already?"

Hanbin approaches her with June behind him. He sets down a small silver case on the hood of her car.

"100,000." Hanbin says.

Jisoo lowers her shades in interest. "Not bad. A man of your word." She sends him a small smirk.

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