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The knife sliced the night with a butter, and flesh, melting fire.

It didn't feel like I'd imagined. Or sound. I wanted more. Something tangible. A sensual trophy.

Maybe next time.

Here are the first 31 words of my new psychological horror book Hollow

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Here are the first 31 words of my new psychological horror book Hollow. Hollow promises to be a dark decent into the mind of a serial killer. At least that's what it's promised me! I hope I can deliver on that to you! And the lovely Savanabanna123 gave me a great idea on how to progress it!

Oh, and welcome to book 2 of 31 Creepy Words and Other Horror Stories!! The cover is basically me putting a number 2 on the first book's cover, so if anyone fancies mashing one together, that'd be amazing. Either way, I hope to continue creating chilling flashfiction stories all for you lovely people!

Oh, here's a potential cover for Hollow! Any thoughts?

Oh, here's a potential cover for Hollow! Any thoughts?

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31 Creepy Words and Other Horror Stories 2Where stories live. Discover now