3. Teen parent?

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'Just get them away from me!' I screamed as Flynn came into my room.

These babies, I didn't even know which is Theodore and Mateo, were crying the entire night! I literally got 0 hours of sleep.

Flynn held one up and that one immediately stopped crying. I was fazed by his babysitting skills and asked,'how on Earth did you do that?' He backed out and laughed,' woah, Posy, your under-eye bags are suffocating me,' I don't even care he's calling me by the tedious name, 'he's so cute! Just give him more love, right little baby?' And he continued playing with him, I think that's Theodore.

'Oh shit, take this one, too.' I shoved Mateo into Flynn's hand as that baby started crying. Again, he immediately stopped crying.


I've got a practical test today which I could never ever miss, but Flynn had a lecture before that test, so I brought those babies in their car seats and met Flynn outside the central building.

On my way, literally everyone stared at me but I just couldn't care less. These two goddamn car seats are so bloody heavy, I literally wanna throw them away.

'Theo! Matty! Did you miss me?' Flynn said as soon as he saw us. 'Hello to you too, bestfriend,' I said in a salty way.

He picked Mateo up and said,' why hello there, Mariposa, it's good to see you.' I rolled my eyes at him and said,' I'm literally gonna fall asleep at my test, Flynn. Because of these two little devils I'm gonna fail!' He didn't even look at me because he's too focused on making Mateo laugh, 'oh tragic, failing a subject!'

I got Theodore out of the seat because he was starting to get irritated and cry, 'of course you don't care, you don't have two human beings to raise.' We exchanged babies so he could give Theodore more attention.

'Come on, it can't be that bad,' he still didn't look at me, 'plus, I'm always here for you!' Aww, Flynn is the best friend I could ever have.

I can't help but notice other people staring at us as the walk by, 'Flynn, why the fuck are those people staring at us. Have they never seen non identical twins before?' He chuckled,' Posy! Don't swear in front of the kids!' I mouthed 'fuck' as he continued,' I guess it's because we look like teen parents and you know how judgmental our nation can be sometimes.'

Oh well, it's not that I'm the only university student in the whole world who has twins to raise. I'll just learn to ignore them.


The test didn't go as bad as I thought, I just forgot the names of a couple of nerves. I walked out of the building to see Flynn sitting by the fountain with my brothers and a cute guy.

' So I'll see you on Friday,' Flynn said cheerfully to that guy, and they even kissed before he left. I sat next to him as the guy left.

' I see someone's got a date!' I shouted excitedly but Flynn shhhed me and pointed at the car seats, the babies were asleep.

' Yep, Luther Hayes, Physics major,' he whispered to me and we did a quiet high five.

'Thanks for taking care of my brothers,' I said. He winked at me and said,' anything for you babe.' Where have I heard this from?

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