...and the demons

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The obscene amount of wedding preparations was suffocating. If you had known everyone would be so overwhelming for just a stupid wedding, you would have never dove head first into this union. Now you never had time for yourself since you were either with your advisors or attending strategy meetings for the creation of Republic City. Those meetings were the only exciting highlight of your days, which spoke volumes on how bored you were.

Currently, Zuko and his friends were mapping out the infrastructure of the city down the hall from you. You couldn't attend the meeting since your mother was due to arrive any second now. It left you impatiently waiting for her in the living room. Now with your wedding being green-lit, she finally had a valid enough reason to return to the palace and she didn't waste any time in jumping on it.

"[Name], I'm baaack!" your mother exclaimed as she waltzed into the living room.

You sent her a small smile, but after noticing her grin, you froze. "What did you do?"

"Nothing bad, really," she sang. "I just thought you wanted to see your old friend again."

On cue, a tall man with black spiked locks stepped inside the room, and you instantly recognized him. "Lee?!"

Although he was in complete awe of the palace, he managed to overcome it and rush to your side and embrace you. "It's been so long," he hummed.

"Y-Yeah," you replied weakly as you glared at your mother's waggling eyebrows. That woman was up to something...


Zuko watched as you spoke animatedly with the man beside you. By the looks of it, you both were really close, but he wasn't sure on how close. What he did know was that he wasn't enjoying this dinner.

"What's with the face, nephew?" Iroh asked with a knowing smile.

Zuko kept his gaze on the two before him. "Don't you think that man is acting a little too familiar with her?"

Iroh's smile widened. "Do I sense jealousy?"

Zuko snapped his head to the side. "N-NO! I AM NOT."

His exclamation garnered the attention of everyone at the table. Your worried optics met his, and a frown replaced your grin. "Is something the matter?"

The Fire Lord regained his composure, reminding himself that it was unbecoming of a royal to be this emotional. The only way to forget his outburst was to change the subject. "So uh...how did you two meet?"

You furrowed your eyebrows with confusion. "He was my neighbor in the village. You don't remember Lee?"

He studied the man beside you with interest. "When we were younger, I remember you mentioning that he was your husband..."

Lee coughed awkwardly in his hand as his cheeks burned with embarrassment. "We weren't really married. We just liked to play House and all, my Lord."

"He was also her first kiss," your mother reminisced.

You gawked, "M-MOTHER!"

Zuko exhaled harshly as he set his utensils down. He was readying himself to leave, but you decided to speak up.

"You have it all wrong," you groaned. "Zuko was my first kiss."

The Fire Lord blinked slowly. "Huh?" He remembered Mai being his first kiss, but you seemed so sure of yourself. Everyone remained silent as they waited for you to explain. Zuko especially was confused and his narrowed gaze made you finally yield.

"When he was napping from practice, I snuck in a kiss to see how it felt like," you reluctantly admitted.

Uncle Iroh bursted out laughing while your mother sighed. "You are such a weird child."

Although Zuko was relieved that there was no first kiss involved with Lee, he felt somewhat violated. "You seriously are weird."

You shrugged. "Hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!"

"What does that even mean?!" Zuko exclaimed. 

The Unpredictable Fire Queen [Fire Lord Zuko x Reader]{ATLA}Where stories live. Discover now