... and the Fire Princess

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The entire Fire Nation rejoiced at the arrival of Fire Lord Zuko's heir. A beautiful baby girl that looked nothing like you. It was a relief to the Fire Nation that a successor had been solidified. There was some doubt when you were named Fire Queen, but everyone was quick to accept you once you bore a child. However, watching your daughter grow, questions began to arise in your mind.

"I sometimes wonder if this is my child," you mumbled to yourself as you watched her play with Aang's son. They were both around the same age, so it was only natural for them to be friends... even though they were complete opposites.

Your child, Izumi, took on Zuko's personality. Since she was destined to become the next Fire Lord, she found his mannerisms suitable for herself. She was certainly clever at the age of three, but you wished she lived her childhood a little more. Aang's son, Bumi, also inherited his father's personality, but not the serious side. No, he took on the playful, goofy part of Aang that you enjoyed.

"She came out of you," Sokka shrugged as he stood beside you. "I think there's a 100% possibility of it being yours."

You nodded, "True, and it's definitely Zuko's child."

Sokka scratched his chin. "At least she's going to be a successful successor?"

You quietly laughed at his terrible play-on-words as your stare landed on Bumi. He kept trying to climb the tree with his teeth while Izumi was shaking her head in disgust. Just seeing her lack of childish antics, you furrowed your eyebrows. You remembered how rambunctious you were as a child, and you were damn happy that way!

Just seeing her waste her childhood like that made you jump into action. "Izumi!" you called out to her.

She didn't hesitate to obey and ran towards you. "Yes, mother?"

"Do what Bumi is doing. It's fun," you ordered sternly.

She sent you a look of disbelief. "But mother..."

"Don't disobey your mom, Izumi. Sokka will join you as well," you responded as you pushed the unwilling man towards her.

Sokka turned to protest. He had no desire to scrape his precious teeth against a tree, but when he noticed your terrifying smile, he realized that the sacrifice was necessary. "Y-Yeah. Let's join Bumi."


"What the absolute hell."

You idly glanced to the side and saw Zuko standing a few feet away from you. He was in complete shock, but you didn't care one bit. "Welcome back," you replied in a bored tone.

You returned your attention to the tree. On it were Bumi, Sokka, and Izumi, all with their teeth sunken into the trunk. You cracked a smile. "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU, IZUMI!"

"She's the Fire Princess," Zuko stated breathlessly.

"And it's her duty to excel in stupid things since she's a child," you grumbled. "Just let her be... Unless you want to join them?"

Your smile gave him chills, and he knew that he would rather do anything else than fight you on this one. "... I'm going back to work."

The Unpredictable Fire Queen [Fire Lord Zuko x Reader]{ATLA}Where stories live. Discover now