... and the promises

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"You're going again?"

The question was laced with malice, and it only infuriated the Fire Lord more. He abruptly turned around, sending you a pointed glare. You met him with a fierce glare of your own to show him that you weren't backing down.

"I need to go where I am needed."

You scoffed. "You're needed here with your nation and family. I know that Republic City needs tending to, but you need to remember that you have other commitments."

"I don't remember you being this responsible."

"This is me giving a damn about my family," you retorted, "something that you need to learn."

He stalked towards you as his attendants retreated in fear. "Don't you dare tell me that I don't care about my family."

"Oh, but there's evidence. So, when was the last time you actually spoke with your daughter?"

He opened his mouth, ready to answer the 'easy question', but you stopped him.

"That doesn't involve her asking where you're going and when you're coming back. Also, it can't involve her saying goodbye."

He retracted his answer and remained defensive. "I have another city to run."

"That's fine, but don't expect us to be here when you return," you barked out as you turned on your heel to leave.

"I.. I.. I WASN'T FINISHED!" Zuko let out an annoyed scream as he stomped away. "Freakin' stubborn woman."


You let out a long exhale as your mind was in deep thought. 'I'm pregnant!' was what you could be saying right now. However, your nonexistent husband had been far too busy to make another kid.

Currently, you were in bed with no inhibition to sleep. It was difficult to do so, especially when you were filled with this much rage. Two years, two years since your husband made that promise to you. You were supposed to be getting pregnant, having a good time trying too! All he left you with was some unfulfilled promise and an empty bed.

Another sigh left your lips as you tried to get comfortable. For twenty-four years of your life, you were used to sleeping alone. You didn't expect to feel this desperate for Zuko's warmth, to miss him so much.

Lost in your own thoughts, you didn't hear the loud commotion down the hall. It was only when you heard the sound of fire whooshing outside your window did you sit up and return to reality.

"What's going on outside?" you mumbled, sleep no longer a priority on your things-to-do list.

You pulled the curtains slowly, giving your eye enough room to peek out the window. From the distance, you spotted a man taking down the guards as he held onto a child. The child was asleep and unaware of what was going around them, while the man continued to pave his way through the unsuspecting guards.

Squinting your eyes, you realized who exactly the child was, and panic invaded your system. "IZUMI?!"

Without a second thought, you kicked the window open and jumped out of it swiftly. Your bare feet got caught in some of the glass shards, but the pain didn't matter to you as you chased the man down. However, he was too far for you to even reach him.

"IZUMI!" you screamed as you mindlessly ran after them. You tried propelling yourself forward with fire, but alas, the man had already left the palace grounds with your only child.

With no child and desperation clouding your conscious, all you could do was blame your good-for-nothing husband.

'Why wasn't Zuko here?'

The Unpredictable Fire Queen [Fire Lord Zuko x Reader]{ATLA}Where stories live. Discover now