Chapter 28

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Cameron P.O.V

"Jacob!" Itzamary yelled letting go off my hand and jumping into another's boys arms. I couldn't help but feel jealous, who is this boy and why did he have a smile as of has won a million dollars. I can feel my anger rise seeing her wrapped in his arms as he spins her so I started to walk away, I need some distance.

"I'll be at the bar." I say and all she did was wave and turned all her attention to that boy. Fine don't even introduce your boyfriend.

Gabbie P.O.V

I'm packing my clothes and Itzamary's  for she just left them laying around. Hopefully she comes back soon I don't want to drive at night and I want to have dinner with the guys before we leave. I mean I'll be here this weekend but Itzamary won't be here for some months and I want her to get out of this day as much as she can. I check my phone its 4 not bad..

"So you still need the help moving into your apartment on Saturday?  Because I'm not free, but only free for you.." Jack says giving me a wink I laugh and give him my most innocent smile.

"You are such a gentleman!"

"Oh Angel I never said I was a gentleman, I'm anything but a gentleman.." he says as he gets up from the chair and walks towards me. My breathe catches in my throat as he places both arms on each side of me creating a cage.

"I can do so many things to you that you didn't even know you desired.. I can find that bad girl inside this pretty innocent mind.." he slowly whispers as his lips brush mine. I'm out of breathe I close my eyes and I'm waiting, craving, his kiss.. but it never comes. I open my eyes to find him smiling that smile giving me butterflies.

"I told you I wasn't going to touch you intil you begged me.." he says giving me a smirk.

"Well I ain't going to beg!" I say pushing him away and walking into the bathroom to control my blush and heartbeat.

Gilinsky P.O.V

I laugh as Gabbie hurried into the restroom. Her face was completely flushed.. I had to held back all my desires of touching her, it was hard.. but I will get her to beg. I sit down and remember when she called me a hero.. I shouldn't be near her.. I'm going to hurt her and I don't want to be the one she cries for.. HA! now you care you heartless bastard how many girls have you left like that.. but that's the thing.. she's not thoes girls. I place my elbows on my thighs and but my head in my hands. Why? Why her? What does she have.. that's right innocence. I stand up and I walk towards the door determined to leave but as soon as I stand in front of the door I can't open it. My heart hurts each time I think of leaving.. I can't leave my Angel.. I need her. Stop thinking about yourself, you're only going to hurt her!

"Jack?" I didn't even hear her when she open the restroom door I turn to face her and she looks confused and concerned.

"Yes Angel?" she walks to me and grabs my hand and pulls me to the chair and pushes me to the chair and she sits on my lap. She wraps her arms around me and places her head in crook of my neck and I hold her close. We sit like that for a while when I feel her take a huge breathe.

"What's wrong Jack?"

"There's nothing wrong.."

"Yes there is.." she says lifting her head off of me and looking at me.

"Jack I feel like there's something bothering you.. like you're hiding something, you're eyes have these secrets.. and i want to help you.. you need some help and I wa-"

"What are you trying to say?! That I'm crazy? That I'm not normal because I have secrets?! You know what.." I pick her off my lap and walk to the bed and dump her on to it. She looks scared but I don't care.

"You're nobody to judge me.. you don't know me. I DON'T NEED SOMEONE LIKE YOU TELLING ME I'M NOT PERFECT!" I couldn't contain my emotions when I hear the door open and a pair of arms hold me back. I shake them off and run out of there. I don't this shit. I don't need her, who does she think she is?!  She nobody!  Nobody knows me and nobody knows my own demons but me!

Gabbie P.O.V

I was scared but that was wearing off as I felt hurt.. I just wanted to help him. I shouldn't have said anything! What have I done, I ruin everything. Who I'm I to tell him that.. I just wanted to help him get rid of that sadness and emptiness but he was right I didn't know him. My throat creates a knot thinking I'll never see him again and that's when I start crying and I can't stop.

" Are you okay? Gabbie, are you okay?" I can feel Nash hugging me but I push him away.

"Please let me be! Please!" I beg and I can hear him protest but then Matt speaks up. "Just let her be, come on Nash. Let's go check up on Gilinsky. " and as soon as they left I started to scream into the pillow. Why! I HURT HIM. I need to leave.

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