Chapter 28

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Jimin's POV

"Hyung, where are you going?" I asked Jin who's now all dressed up to leave.

"Busan," he informed me while he puts on his other shoe.

Probably to go meet Hyun mi's baby. Taehyung hasn't been around these past months either. Me, Jin, Namjoon and Hobi are the ones being left here.

"You coming?" he asked.

"Nah," I declined again.

All of them have been trying to get me to go to Busan but I always refuse them. I don't know why they still want me to see something that might kill me.

The door suddenly flew open, Jungkook walking in.

"Jungkook?" Jin asked in confusion. "I thought we agreed we'll all meet there?" he asked.

Jungkook walked towards me, his eyes bloodshot. I don't know what's up with him. If he's going to talk to me, this will be the first time in so long.

"Hyung," he called to me and his gaze shifted to the side.

"Hyung, please come home with me," he said in between sobs. His tears started free falling.

My hand immediately went straight to the nape of his neck guiding his head to rest on my shoulder.

"Hey, what's wrong Kookie?" I asked him with concern.

His body started trembling against mine and I can tell that this is something serious.

"Please hyung, come home with me," he pleaded.

"I'm not sure if I can go Kookie, I—" he cut me off.

He lifted his head and looked straight into my eyes.

"Just this one time, please hyung," he continued to beg.

"Jimin, go get changed. We'll wait for you in the car," Jin commanded. His demaneour completely changing.

I instantly felt like he's saying some serious shit to me because the way he says his command made me obey him without hesitation.

I heard him knock on the other's rooms calling them out.

"Jungkookah, what's happening?" he gently asked Jungkook who's still crying.

Before I could even hear his answer, they both walked away from my earshot. What is it that even Jungkook who's presumably mad at me, drives all the way here to Seoul just to make me come home to Busan?

I quickly pulled my ripped jeans up, grabbed a clean pullover and slid in my boots. I grabbed my maroon coat and walked out the living area. Hobi and Namjoon are already dressed.

"Let's go Jimin, they're waiting in the car," Namjoon motioned me to start walking and I did.

Once we got in the car, Jin and Jungkook are already off. Hobi, me and Namjoon will be driving separately. Everyone is silent, no one dares to talk and it's deafening. What is happening? My heart started racing and I don't even know why.


After a 3 and a half hours of driving, Hobi pulled up in their drive way. Jungkook's car is already parked outside but I can see him sitting on their patio. He saw us walking near and he stood up. His hair a bit dishelved from his constant pulling.

Out of habit, I started raking my fingers through my hair in nervousness. I assume their baby is in her lap once I come in. My heart is now wildly pounding in my chest.

Tomorrow with You ✔ (Book III || COMPLETED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora