Chapter 11

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===> Be Dave.

We all sat group hugging in silence for a while in Karkat's room or whatever, and when we calmed down and worked shit out we decided to go back out into the living room.

When we went out there, we saw that only Eridan And Sollux were the only two still there.

"Hey kk, I'm going to head out. I'th that cool?"

"Yeah, that's fine." He replied.

"Me too. I'll see you later, Kar," said Eridan.


How the fuck did they not hear what was going on?

Once they left, I looked at Karkat, and then Gamzee.

"Im so fucking sorry..." Karkat said. He said it so quietly, it was almost a whisper.

"I would say its okay, but really, it's not. Karkat, if you would've succeeded with that... I wouldn't know what to do with myself." I said in response.

"I hate to agree with him, but Dave is all up and motherfucking right."

Gamzee and I had never gotten along all too much before this, but I think now we had set our differences aside.

"Please, don't EVER do anything like that again... We motherfucking love you."

I nodded in agreement at these words.

Karkat looked as if he were going to cry again.

"No. Don't you dare fucking cry. If you cry, I'm going to bawl like a little bitch, and that's not exactly cool." I said before he could. And that's when he hugged me. I was so shocked.

He then also pulled gamzee into the hug.

More shock.

Karkat wasn't pushing us away or telling us to go suck something. He was opening up to us.

I was seeing who Karkat really was. He looked angry and hateful.

But deep down, he was actually kind of sensitive and caring.

"Would you two... Uh... Stay here tonight? I mean, if you want." He asked, his head down

"Of mothefucking course, karbro." The juggalo replied.

Karkat smiled ever so slightly, and god did it make me happy to see that.

That night, we watched karkat's romcoms, told stories, and made it clear to Karkat that we would always be there for him.

Tonight was hectic as all hell. But I'm really glad that everything worked out.

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