Chapter ~24~

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* Please Read The Info at the end of the chapter*


I stared blankly at the wooden ceiling. My mind felt numb, as I couldn’t think of anything to do. It has been five hours since Easton had made that phone call to Xavier; and another to Shelby. Both had answered their phones, both agreed to meet us here at this old home. The only problem is that both of them haven’t arrived. Easton and I decided to waste some time debating on whether we should climb up the ladder to the second floor.

 In the end, we agreed, and it didn’t end well. I got up the stairs and onto the second floor with ease; however, when Easton reached the second floor it collapsed under his feet and well…we now have a hole on the second floor. It just happens to be the hole is right in front of the staircase, forbidding me to leave the second level of the house. So, here I am, as bored as can be, lying on a bed of straw. Easton left an hour ago, in search of broken tree branches or wooden planks we could use to cover the hole and finally give me the ability to leave the second floor. He hasn’t returned.

 So now I’m lonely and bored. I yawned as I rubbed my eyes with my hands and letting them drag down my face and settle on top of my chest. Turning my head slightly to the left I glanced out the old window that was positioned directly in the middle of the white wall. The forest was no longer a light, cheerful green; it was a dark, gloomy green in which the leaves swayed lifelessly in the wind. It was night. I debated about sleeping, but decided against it.

I twisted myself so I was lying on my right side. I took in the decorations and design of the room. On the wall ahead of me was a white wooden door. Beside the bed I lay was a steel night table with a black painted, wooden picture frame. I reached over with my right hand and swiped the photo off the night table. It was a black and white photo of a young couple, probably in there late thirties.

The woman had hair that was pulled back into a bun, and she wore a long flowing, flower patterned dress that stopped at the edge of her heel. She was faired skin, as she appeared a dark shade of white in the photograph, and was a medium sized woman with fairly large breasts. The man who stood at her side was bald. He wore a light colored shirt, which appeared grey in the photo. His overalls appeared to be textured like jeans, so I assumed they were. He wore high, farmer boots and held a pitchfork in one hand. That’s so cliché.

I put the photograph back on the nightstand, positioning it so it was stable. I sat upright, and stared at the white door. I wonder where it leads too. I thought. It probably leads into the next room. I shimmied over to the edge of the bed, listening to the cracking of dry straw underneath of me. I took a deep breath.

 Should I go check it out? I have nothing else to do. I debated on whether or not it was a good idea to go into the next room for a few minutes, finally coming to a conclusion. I let my feet dangle off the side of the bed before I officially planted them firmly on the tiled floor. A sharp shiver ran up and down my spine, as the cold flooring made the nerves in my feet tingle. I stood frozen momentarily, trying to heat the floor with my own body heat.

After being un-successful I began slowly walking towards the door. Listening to the creaking and cracking of the floorboards beneath me, I tried to avoid what might have been weak points. I reached the door and grabbed hold of the cool steel handle. Taking a deep breath I opened the door, revealing a deep, dark room. The aura felt uneasy as I felt as if I had entered a horror movie. I took a step further into the darkness. I realized the room felt oddly colder then the rest of the house, however, the house had no air conditioning.

I continued anyway, reaching a point where I could no longer see. A sudden chilling breeze brushed across my back. Wait…there is no wind in here. I swallowed hard, as I began taking deep, calming breaths. Maybe the couple is still here, even though they are deceased.

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