Chapter 26: We'll Be There

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A/N - The photo above is Erin's outfit for this chapter (without the purse). I am so sorry that I haven't been updating! For the readers who are in high school (especially in Canada) exam season is upon us so I haven't had the time. But I will be updating regularly again! Hope you all enjoy!

Happy Reading


Dad and I decided to stay at the new compound for a while after everything that happened. Rhodey needed help with his paralysis and Dad had to develop something to stop my attacks permanently so the new compound seemed like our best option. 

Slowly slipping out of bed, I open the blinds in my room to see a beautiful view of the ocean. The waves collapse on top of one another, giving me a sense of calm. My hand slowly rises to the back of my neck and I softly touch the regulator that is poking out from my skin. It lays on the top of my neck and travels a little bit onto my scalp, but luckily my hair hides most of it. But my hand grazes the cold metal and it feels like I've lost what little control I did have left. Now I have to rely on it instead of myself.

After a while, I break my focus from the sea and go over to my suitcase to get dressed. Pulling out my clothes for the day, I strip from my pyjamas. As I got to put on my new set of clothes, I catch a glimpse of my broken body in the mirror. Even though I try to fight it, I look fully into the mirror. Scars line my midsection and travel towards my chest, making my toned body look horrible. When I stretch I can see my ribcage, as well as my hips and the very sight of the bones, makes me tear up.  

Sitting on the end of my bed and curling my knees up to my chest, I cry. I let it all out. No judgement, no criticizing words, just sobbing. Everything that I've kept pent up comes out and the weight that I have carried for so long begins to fade away. I was so lost in the moment that I didn't even notice that my phone was buzzing... multiple times. Suddenly, Friday's soothing voice emits into my room.

"Ms. Stark? I have Mr. Parker on the phone. He says it urgent."

"Oh, I'll get it. Thank you, Friday."

"Your welcome, Ms. Stark." The A.I replies.

Crawling across my bed, I grab my phone from my nightstand and quickly answer.

"Erin? Why weren't you answering? You had me worried." Peter says quickly, his voice laced with panic.

"Sorry I was just...thinking." I say with a sniffle.  

"Thinking or crying?" Peter asks quietly.

"A bit of both." I answer with a soft chuckle.

"How can I help?" 

"You can't. I just have to work through a lot of baggage." 

"Okay. Well, I'm here if you want to talk." he says reassuringly. 

"Thank you, Peter. I'll see you at school soon okay?" I say.

"Okay." he replies.

"Maybe okay can be our always." I say with a laugh.

"I take it you have been catching up on your reading." Peter states with a chuckle behind it. 

"Well, I've had a lot of time on my hands." I explain. "I'll see you soon, Parker."

"Same here, Stark." Peter says before hanging up. 

Softly chuckling, I leave my phone on the bed and finish getting dressed. And this time when I see my scars, I don't cry. 

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