Mall Adventures (Part 3)

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Steve- "So I let Lissy go to the mall with one of her friends since I wasn't able to bring her on the case. Before I was about to leave to go pick her up I got a call from the mall security informing me that she had stolen a few couple of items from a store. She tried to lie about it a few times "

Junior- "So did she or no"?

Steve- " She did. The manager of the store showed us the security tape and the truth came out"

Tani- "Man, what are you going to do"?

Steve- "I don't know to be honest. She's been acting up a lot lately. It feels like I keep punishing her for something"

Danny- "Welcome to parenting my friend"

Steve- "I love Lissy but there are times where I wish she would just....."

Danny- "Behave"?

Steve- "I don't know what to do"

Lou- "You got this man"

Steve- "Thanks. So anything on our vic"?

-Awhile Later-

Dad- I head into my office and see Lissy fidgeting with her fingers. I sigh then I go and sit down in my office chair. "I don't know where to start Allyssa. You made a very poor choice today" I said while looking at her

 You made a very poor choice today" I said while looking at her

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Lissy- No response

Dad- I sighed then said "What were you even thinking Allyssa? Stealing two items and then lying about it"?

Dad- I sighed then said "What were you even thinking Allyssa? Stealing two items and then lying about it"?

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Lissy- Again no response

Dad- "You are lucky that the manager called me instead of the police Allyssa. He would've pressed charges against you but since my position at work he decided not to"

 He would've pressed charges against you but since my position at work he decided not to"

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