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           3 days after

3days after,we live normal but one mutant got to our over world and destroyed seoul in korea.

"Why did they got to korea but the portal is in new york city?" I ask jorge.

The tv said it was a portal in there but as big as a door.

"Maybe they did the same thing as we did?" I uncertainly answered.

I think about it,and were the only company who knows how to make the portal.

We goes to seoul korea,but the guards dont lets us near the portal.

"Give me a favor and hold me" jorge said to me.

I touch his hand and teleported me near the portal,the guards didnt saw we got in.we saw that theres a military practicing in there so we hidely watch them.

And then one mutant saw us and yelled to us "Humannn!!!!!!" The military heard us so they locked us in a cage,jorge tried to teleport but he can't ,we both tried to explode but it wont work the cage has a force field that catch your power and dont let you use a power or abillity

Finally i got an idea.

"Jorge kill me pls" i whispered to jorge.

"Right,your abillity" jorge whispered back.

Jorge slam my head to the wall without noticing us.

I woke up in the same spot in the dimension again.

"It didn't work?!!!"I madly said.

We stayed 3 days there without food and drink.

Later on one of the workers named star she had the ability that let out an energy and multiply anything she was on the accident when the generators blew up,but she was on the basement taking some supplies for the chips, the fuse boxes exploded too and she was hit when that happened.

"How can you help us you can only give energy you cannot take!!"I loudly whispered to her.

"I have an idea"she confidently said to me.

She give power to the password setup in the side of the entrance of the cage until it was overloaded and exploded,before it explode Jorge ran to star and teleport her far from the explosion because she might die.

"Now lets get out of here"I whispered.

Jorge teleported her near the portal and get out but I scape the dimension without dying.

"How did you do that?" Jorge ask.

"I did not know when one mutant came I suddenly teleported here" I confusingly answered.

Suddenly the mutants just grab us from near the portal from the over world to the dimension

They tied us in a chair and tortured us.

"Why did you come here"they ask us.

"We are stoping you to destroy the over world".

"Your so cute,you think you can stop us your just a weak little human."they said to us.

Jorge suddenly teleported to him and punch him in the face but the captain controled him to go back in the chair
But tied us with a technoenergy rope.

"Your so stupid,you think you can scare us with that trash"I shouted to him.

He clicked a red button,it make me weaker and weaker as I fall to my death but it made me live in the same spot,I didnt know that the technoenergy makes me weak I think it catches my energy thats why I get weak of it,but the virus that is inside me is stronger it has negative energy so the energy they take from me the stronger the virus can be,the virus charges and suddenly explode, all the rope that makes us weak was was shocked when it happen she suddenly stopped the time
Three of us is the only people who didnt got stopped,she turn on the time again because the whole universe with the dimensions will break down.

Jorge teleported to the captains head and kick it but the captain caught his foot and slam him in the floor and then I jump on top of him and wrapp my hand at his neck and I locked it in his neck but he grabbed my hand and
Threw me in the wall while star stopped the time and jumped in his back and hit him with a knife 12times but the the captain whont die and then he resume the time.

"Wee ca-nt be-at hi-im"I said.

And suddenly I rememberd that star  can multiply anything so she multiplied us all-into an army we all jumped to him at the same time and burst all our powers to him.......

He blew up completly and turn into ashes fall down to the floor and the soldiers instantly died.

10 yrs later we live normaly no prolems no anything just normal.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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