Part 34

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Two days left until graduation, and two more days until Hoseok finally moves in, I think I'm more excited about Hoseok moving in then graduation.
But he's been a little clingy, he doesn't want to leave my side. It's been sweet but too much.

Graduation day

We did it, we graduated. No more high school. Hoseok was able to apply for Korea's school of dance. He made it in, so now we will be both going to that school. I will major in music and dance. He will just major in dance.
We had a little graduation party at my house. Just me, Hoseok, Lisa, Namjoon, Jennie and Jimin.
"So, when is Hoseok afficually moved in?" Namjoon asked
"Today" I said. "He now lives with me" I looked at him and gave him a kiss.
Hoseok POV
We all decided to stay at our place tonight.
We where watching a movie everyone fell asleep except for me and Lisa.
"So, when are you going to propose?" She asked
"Maybe Sunday, I don't know, I think I will take her out for dinner on the beach. Then when we come back to the house there will be roses all along the walls and counters. And a bunch of candles, and that's when ill propose"
Her eyes went wide, "omg, that's going to be soo, cute. Ugh, you have to be the only type of your kind of guy."
I just giggled, but stopped when y/n started to sqirm.
Oof, how can I get so lucky to have the best girlfriend in the world.

Sorry it's been a while scene I posted. But I hope y'all liked this chapter. If y'all do then I'll keep this story going a little longer. I💜y'all

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