Not My Fault

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You frantically landed on the Palaza dock with Link in your arms. Most of the crowd from the Wing Ceremony remained and there was no way they didn't hear the rumbling or see the sky darken. The crowd immediately turned towards you and picked up your distress.

"Somebody- Help!" You slid off your bird and dragged Link off with you. "Link is-"

"Oi (Y/N)!" Gaepora was the first to approach as the rest rushed over in worry. "What happened?!"

"I-I don't know." You stammered as your vision was disoriented. "The sky grew dark and-"

"Not now (Y/N)," Owlan interrupted.


"You'll talk later- Fledge!"

"Y-Yes?" The awkward male stood up straighter and approached the lot of you.

"Take (Y/N) and Link to the academy." He ordered in an asserting voice.

It was at this point you noticed how loud it was.

"What happened?!"

"Where's Zelda?!"

"Oi (Y/N)!"

You were surrounded by all the townsfolk and they were demanding answers. Their accusations loomed over you.

"I didn't do any-"

"Go Fledge! Take (Y/N) and Link away from this crowd!" Owlan repeated as he pushed someone back.

Fledge grabbed your wrist as Gaepora helped put Link on his shoulders.

"Come on (Y/N)." He started dragging you away from your protesting loftwing.

"Wait-" You looked back to see Owlan and Gaepora holding back the crowd as Fledge tugged you along to the Knight Academy. "Wait Fledge!" You pulled back on his grasp and he struggled to keep Link on his back. 'Why is this happening?'

"Stop (Y/N)," His voice grew annoyed. "If you're worried about your loftwing I'm sure it's fine." Fledge then heaved. He was running out of stamina from carrying the heavier male on his back.

"No that's not it, I need to tell Gaepora-"

"You need to rest." Fledge persisted.

"I don't need rest!" You raised your voice and immediately regretted it.

Fledge let go of your wrist.

"Fledge I'm sorry-" You stood there with a look of shame.

"It's okay," His face went into worry. "Let's just get to the academy."

"Right..." You replied awkwardly as you continued to walk along side him. You had passed the windmill and were beginning to climb the stairs.

"(Y/N)." Fledge said your name and waited for you to look up at him. "I'm glad you're safe." There was a slight blush to his cheeks.


You just gave him a small nod and held the large academy door open for him. He thanked you and took Link inside where you followed him anxiously.

You both hastily laid Link on his bed and called for a nurse.

After waiting for the nurse to arrive you both then leaned against the wall outside Link's room. Just by standing next to him, you could tell Flegde was anxious.

"He'll be okay. Link is strong." You did your best to hide your worry in an attempt to soothe the atmosphere. The nurse had told you that apart from being unconscious, Link was perfectly fine.

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