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Hello lads I'm back.
So I am actually so excited for The Wicked King to come out it isn't even funny!!! I hope your enjoying my little book about Jude and Cardan because I ship them so much ughhh!! Anyways enjoy ❤️

Cardan's POV
I heard a loud bang come from Jude's room and I stumbled over the broken furniture and ripped curtains I had destroyed. When I entered the hallway I ran into her room to find her sitting at her desk again scribbling notes. Her beautiful brown eyes found their way to mine and we stared at each other for a few seconds. Quickly, her eyes moved away and she looked back down at her paper, her cheeks turning pink.
"What do you want Cardan?" She asked lazily.
"I heard a bang coming from your room and I wanted to check if your ok" I replied.
"Oh I'm good I just umm I just dropped a notepad on the floor. Yeah I'm perfectly fine I'm better than fine I'm perfect!!"
"Ok well that's good, I guess I'll see you later,"
Just as I was going to reach for the doorknob I decided to turn around and look at Jude. She was beautiful but she could never know the weak spot in my heart for the human girl I bullied for years, the girl I hurt and poisoned. Slowly I made my way towards her and she turned to look at me, a startled expression taking over her features. I grabbed her hand and then went to touch her face. She was the most gorgeous site I had ever seen, her cheeks flushed red and her sparkling eyes gazing into mine, her long hair flowing around her face like a waterfall. I wanted to touch her, feel her delicate skin against mine and feel her soft lips upon mine.I wanted her. I needed her.

But alas, I dropped my hand and quickly retreated out of the room into the haunting hallway back into the hollow cave that I call my room. Back to the room where whores have shared the bed I sleep on every night, back to the room where I've betrayed Jude and betrayed my heart.

I grabbed the remains of my desk that were strewn across my floor and threw it at the window. Glass breaking and falling like confetti around my room cutting me up and down my arms.


That's what gives me joy, that's what makes me less than King, thats what makes me a normal person. I lie down in the bed of glass and feel the shards piercing into my back like knives. Like thousands of little men are stabbing me with daggers over and over again. It's what I deserve after all. It's what I deserve for being weak and arrogant and not deciding my destiny but let it run its course and betray me.
It's the only thing that could ever happen to me because my fate was the only thing I let happen to me. Unhappiness was my fate and unhappiness is my reality.

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