Food Basket

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Amanda Pov

I was getting ready to take food for the Jacksons. I put my Red puffy dress with a big black bow on my head. My Hair was tied has a ponytail. I Put my sparkly shoes on. I went downstairs to the kitchen. "Mama, Do you have the food basket ready?" I asked her sitting on the chair. "Yeah sweetheart, When you go inside their house, Go behind the door." My mom told me. "Okay mom." She gave me a kiss on the head. I took the basket and sneaked outside.

I went around the Jacksons house. I knocked on the back door. Katherine opened. "Hi Amanda. More food?" "Yes Miss Katherine. I dont want you guys to die of hunger." I giggled. She let me in.

Everyone Was running around. Little Janet rushed toward me. I put the basket down and carried her. "Hey princess. How are you?" I kissed her head. I let her down on the floor. She standed next to me. All the other kids were running even the big ones. I didnt see Michael.

I clear my throat. "HEY!!!" I screamed Clapping my hands. Everyone stopped. "What is going on in Here? This is a house not a circus!!" I shouted. They all sat down. Wow they listen to me. "Thank you sweetheart. I was trying to calm them down." Miss Katherine told me. I lift my eyebrow. Next time listen to Miss Katherine. Understood?!" "Yes." They all said. Wow im good. "Go sit down I got food for you guys." "Yay!"

Michael Pov

Everyone was finally silent. Why? I put my book down and went to the living room. Everyone was sitting on the table silently with their heads down.

My mom and Amanda were cooking. It smelled good. "Food is ready!" Everyone put their heads up. "What did you make?" La toya asked. "Rice, Beans and Fried Chicken and Salad. And Drinks Coca Cola." Amanda Replied. "Sounds good." Rebbie helped Amanda put the food on the table. Amanda turned around and saw me. "Oh hi Michael. Come on eat." Her Hazel eyes shined from the sun. I sat On my chair. She put a plate in front of me. It looked delicious. She handed us spoons and Forks. We started eating. "mmm this is amazjng!" We all said. "Thank you. But please dont talk with your mouth full." Lil Janet was Making a mess.

"No. Janet." Amanda got a chair and put it. next to Janet. She took the spoon and started feeding her. "Miss Katherine, Do you have Water?" She asked still feeding Janet. "Yeah. For Janet?" She nodded. "Here give her Soda." Marlon said. "No. toddlers cant drink that." She told her.

We finished eating. La toya and Amanda were doing the dishes. I went to my room to read some more.

I cant stop thinking of Amanda. Shes amazing. Sweet, loving, caring. I sigh. "Whats wrong Michael?" It was amanda. "Oh!! Um nothing! Just full!" "Oh okay." She sat next to me.

"Oh You like Romeo & Juliet?" She pointed at the book I have on my hand. "Yeah. Its amazing." She smiled. We heard the door slam. She gasped. "Oh no! Your dad is here!" She whispered. She looked at the window. I helped her climb out. "Ow!" Her dress got stuck on a nail. I ripled it out. She gasped. "Sorry."

She started running fast. My dad came in the room. "Michael, what are you doing?" "Huh? Oh just looking out the window." I told him.

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