Part 14

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"Are we cool now?" Lauren says

I shake my head in confusion. "No.. I don't know" I say

"I said I was sorry" she says

"You also said a lot of other really hurtful things in this 'metaphor' you call a movie" I say

"I wrote it a while ago, I was venting" she says.

"Venting it not an excuse Lauren." I say

"Don't hate me, I know I deserve it" She says

"I don't hate you... but you definitely deserve it" I say

"...Wanna go over some of the scenes, I have a few ideas?" She asks

"Not really" I say annoyed

"Ok" She nods

"Ok you two, we have another casting call tomorrow morning so I need you to fix whatever this is, okay?" Ramon says

"Yeah this will definitely be fixed by tomorrow" I say sarcastically as I pick up my things and walk out the door

"Yeah Ray we got it" Lauren says


"Oh my God" I say walking into our apartment

"What happened?" Noah and Sam say

"It's Lauren." I say

"It's Lauren what?" Noah says

"Did she tell you?" Sam says

"No she was there when I-" I start. "Wait"

"Y/n I didn't know how to tell you" he says

"You knew?" I say

"Yes but-" he starts

"Unbelievable" I say walking into my bedroom

"Babe what is going on?!" Noah asks following me into our room

"This movie that I'm doing, it's a biopic of Lauren's life. She's anonymous" I say

"What?" He says

"Yeah and she Just blindsided me at casting" I say

"So wait... you did all that stuff?" He says trying to hold back a laugh

"No!" I say hitting his arm. "She's a petty liar"

"Sorry had to make sure my girlfriend wasn't a sociopath" he laughs

"Well clearly in her eyes I am" I say

"Why would she do this?" He says

"She's still mad at me for what happened 5 years ago" I say

"But you don't even remember, how bad could it be?" He says

"... she was gonna propose" I say

"What?!" He says

"Apparently it was our first day of meeting anniversary and I missed the concert she was gonna propose to me at" I say

"First day what? Wait why'd you miss the concert?" he asks

"...Have a seat, there's some things I should tell you" I say


Then we sit there for about half an hour talking about the root of this Lauren trauma train.

"Why didn't you tell me about your dad?" He asks

"It's not my favorite subject, you're literally the third person I've told" I say

"...And she was first." He says clinching his jaw slightly

"I didn't know it was her" I say

"Exactly, you told someone you knew nothing about before me" he says

"-Y/n.." Sam knocks

"What?" I say annoyed

"...I'm sorry" he says

"Whatever" I say

"It wasn't my secret to tell" he says

"She wrote a whole ass movie about a psychotic version of me, with the pure intent to hurt me" I say

"You weren't that crazy" he says

"She made me homicidal" I say

"Oh yeah... I'm sorry... please open the door" he says

"..Why didn't you tell me" I say opening the door

"I tried to get you to say no, I thought I was protecting you" he says

"We'll try harder next time" I say

"You were dead set on doing it, how was I supposed to stop you?" He says

"Oh I don't know, telling me it was Lauren's fucking movie might have done the trick?!" I say

"Maybe you have a point there" he says as I close he door in his face

"Wait! Y/n" he says

"Sam I need some space from you right now" I say

"But-" he starts

"What?!" I say

"Lauren's here.." he says

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