Double Date

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Emily POV

“So I'm thinking a double date with sparia. I already talked to them.” I say playing with Hanna's hair. She looks up at me and smiles. “Sounds fun. What are we doing?” I smiled and gave her a peck on the lips. “Its a surprise. Me and Spencer have the whole night planned. So go home and I'll see you in an hour?” I say kissing her and getting up. “An hour? I need at least two.” she says laughing. “Fine. Two. I'll meet you there.” I say. She gives me a kiss and walks out. I pick up my phone and text Spencer.

To Spence: Double date still on tonight?

From Spence: Of Course! Picnic on the beach and then that new movie and the beach house.

To Spence: Okay, I'll see you then. Bye.

I get up to go get a shower. it takes an hour and a half to get ready. Maybe Hanna was right two was the minimum. I pick up my phone and text her.

To Hanna: I'm on my way.

From Hanna: I'll see you then babe.

I grab my jacket and walk to my car and drive to Hanna's. I pull in and see her sitting in the steps. I get out and walk to the other side and open the door. “My lady.” I say smiling. I gesture to the door. She smiles at me and steps in. I give her a quick peck and walk to the other side. We drive about an hour and a half to the peer and I see Spencers car. I get out and Hanna goes to get out to. “Nope.” I smirk and she closes her door again. I get out and walk to her side. I open her door and grab her hand. I put my arm around her waist and we walk to Spencers car. “Hey guys. its down this path over here.” Spencer says shutting her car door. She walks around and wraps her arm around Aria. “Whats down there exactly? There better be food. cause I'm starving.” Hanna says laughing. Everyone else laughs to. and we walk down the tiny path. I see a patio and a beautiful beach house. “Is this your parents?” I say turning to Spencer. “They use it when the have buisness meetings. They agreed to let us use it for tonight.” She says grabbing the key to the door. Hanna looks at me and smiles. Spencer opens the door and we walk in. This place is huge. there's a big spiral staircase and glass doors leading to a sun room. “Theres three bedrooms upstairs and Two down here.” Spencer says looking at us. “Okay me and spence get this one. and you to can take the one upstairs  Or that one.” Aria says turning to look at us to. “We'll take the one upstairs. its got a beautiful balcony. If that's okay with you babe.” Hanna says looking up at me. “I like balconys.” I say smiling. I kiss her and I hear Spence cough. “We better go before it gets to late.” I grab Hanna's hand and walk out to the padio. Which is beautiful. the sound of the washed in the beach is calming. I walk to the table and Hanna pulls out my chair. I smirk. “Thats my thing.” I say laughing. she laughs and goes and sits down. Spence and Aria come out with the food. “Who cooked this?” I say looking at Spence. “The chef left a minute ago.” Spence says sitting down. Aria brings out a bottle of wine and some glasses. “Wine? Wow. Classy.” Hanna says picking up her glass. “Cheers.” We all pick up our glasses and tap them together. We finish eating and all go to the couch to watch some romantic comedy that I don't know the name of. Hanna curls up to me and we watch the movie. Sat there for and hour and a half to find out that they both die at the end. It was like some Romeo and Juliet shit. I look around and all of then are asleep. so much for separate rooms and stuff. oh well. I get up and pour another glass a wine. I walk out on the patio and look at the moon over the beach. its so beautiful. I feel someone wrap their arms around me.“Beautiful isn't it?” Hanna says kissing my cheek. “As beautiful as me?” I say laughing. “Not even close.” I sit down my glass and turn to look at her. I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her. We make out for a good ten minutes before she tells me that she's cold. We walk upstairs to the bedroom and crawl in bed.

A/n Sorry its not the best but I've had writers block. I'm gonna update really soon. - Summer

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