BuBBle Wrap part2

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Okay but first off 

how in the name of the anime gods 

did this


get 1K views 


I love you guys

now onto the story


If the students of 1-B, 1-C and so on listen hard enough...they can faintly hear a faint, continuos  'pop' sound if you listen hard enough 

An unfortunate student of 1-C just had to step out of his classroom just in time to see a fellow student not of Yuuei roll down the hallway at a very,very,very 

worrying speed

The said student recognised him (through illegal means)  and enthusiastically shouted , " HI USER  IHAVEINSOMNIAANDDEFYINGGGRAVITYHAIR!" despite having rolled past him.

...Le poor Shinsou nearly pissed his pants and nearly got blinded when a bright flash of light appeared at the stairways

and all of U.A could hear the unholy screech that came from both Ayaka and you as the  two of you fell down the two stairs that were placed conveniently on both the sides of the building.

such luck

Back to 1-A shall we?

actually never mind you can guess the state they're in right now

 but i can tell you that they have decided to hunt the top three troublemakers

while aizawa peacefully contemplates whether or not he should do something or go back to sleeping.

How bout our red dragon,Ryuaka Tokage? 

oh he's faliing down slowly with the help of his quirk

and suddenly a wild! Todoroki appeared below him!

Wild! Todoroki used Fire!

Ryuaka ate it! it's not that effective...


"OW" the neko with purple hair silently cringed at the pain 

who knew hitting the wall while being wrapped in bubble wrap would still hurt?

but that's not important at all 


she can hear the foot steps of 1-A...and they're getting dangerously close.

she should have rolled with [Name]


not the time to break the fourth wall [Name]

anyways Ayaka was really trying (harder than trying at life) to roll down the stairs  but her efforts were FUTILE


A bright flash of light came from her phone (brighter than the sun)
(rip Ayaka's battery)

"Holy shit my eyes-"

"wUssaP fUck-"
[Name] said while literally digitalizing into existence from the white light.

Only to realise they appeared in midair inches away from the stairs and proceeded to roll down

Without the protection of their bubble wrap armour.

"You dumb fuck!", Ayaka yelled at her friend's stupidity while laughing as she rolled down the stairs (from the impact of the force from the white light from her phone) with them.

Until finally she reached the bottom and used [Name] as a cushion.


"But I helped you..."

At the same moment  Kaminari passes by with the a few other members of

"Top ten Anime Betrayals..."

[Name] didn't waste a second to reach to their phone and teleport back to their own school just as the whole group jumps to bodyslam them to the ground.

And left her phone all alone under the mass of s w e a t y bodies.

Well they didn't get the digimon but they sure as hell got their phone


Meanwhile at  [insert hero school name cause i got nothing]

A bright light from  a laptop on an empty desk encases a classroom with all of the students in it (including the teacher)

All of them shielded their eyes from the  light and simultaneously cursed  as they knew









[Name] said in a rather smug(?¿) manner.They sat in their desk,giving off a big toothy smile to the teacher (who knew exactly what they were capable of doing and how crazy they are)

The teacher sighed "Its a good thing your grades are skyhigh or I'd have had you kicked out by now"

"Love ya too teach" [Name]  said with a carefree smile


A red blur passed by the windows

Cue the sweat dropping

"What the hell was that?" Someone said

"Beats me" [Name]  said  while small beads of sweat rolled down their forehead.

They reached into their pocket to take their phone out-

Fabric meets their hand instead

And thats when they knew

They fucked up

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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